Page 13 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 13

Women of Distinction

        years before that. I have no                                                      is learning to not stress or
        children yet; however, this                                                       worry over things that are
        is definitely on the horizon.                                                     out of my control. Because
        Before this great life-chang-                                                     stress and worry are mental
        ing experience comes, we                                                          destroyers, and it's only a
        are just enjoying each other,                                                     waste of capacity and en-
        and the time we spend                                                             ergy when we are stressing
        together". And are they                                                           over an item that we have
        ever? The happy couple just                                                       no power over."
        returned from a two-week                                                             Stasia shared some tips
        trip to Italy and France,                                                         for those choosing a sim-
        including an incredible                                                           ilar profession. "My first
        nine-day cruise through                                                           suggestion is to be fearless
        Italy. "We both love to                                                           in pursuing your career as-
        travel, so I am happy to say                                                      pirations and dreams. Don't
        we have managed to take an                                                        let your own mind be your
        amazing vacation each year                                                        worst enemy. Be fearless and
        that allows us to see some                                                        run full speed ahead. Have
        of the most beautiful and                                                         the confidence to always
        romantic destinations in                                                          be moving forward. How
        the world."                                                                       do you build confidence?
           Stasia also is blessed to                                                      It goes back to learning,
        have a very close relation-                                                       reaching out to your coun-
        ship with her parents. "My                                                        terparts, and reaching out
        Mom and Dad live close to                                                         to your partners. Encourage
        us, which is very important                                                       yourself and set yourself up
        since I am an only child.                                                         in the best way possible for
        They are a great source of                                                        success. And it always starts
        support to both of us, and                                                        with you. I think so often;
        I can always go to them                                                           people are, in a sense look-
        to pick their brains on all                                                       ing for direction right away
        subject matters.”                                                                 or looking to be handed
           With a job that is rarely                        Photo Courtesy of Stasia Krahling  things to make them more
        nine to five, Stasia often                                                        successful. That's not a reali-
        is called upon by clients   workday. In my mind it is   friends with whom she     ty. You have to cultivate and
        during her off hours, so I   crucial that my clients know  loves spending time. "Since   create your own success."
        couldn't help but ask how   that I'm a resource always   I don't have siblings, my   Stasia Krahling has
        her husband feels about her   available to them because   close girlfriends are my sis-  earned her successes, both
        dedication to her career,   life evolves very quickly. It   ters. And so, we will make   personally and profession-
        which sometimes may inter-  does not occur on a nine-  every effort to have month-  ally by treating everyone
        fere with her personal time   to-five schedule, so being   ly zoom calls, lunches, or   she encounters with care
        with him. "My husband will   able to address their needs   dinners, and even though   and concern. From the first
        probably have a completely   quickly and thoughtfully,   we are all busy with our   conversation I had with Sta-
        different answer, but I will   is essential. I have tried to   day to day lives, we always   sia I knew how professional
        say it's an ongoing effort,   follow this mantra when   make an attempt to spend   she was, but even more
        and I can admit that I'm still  it comes to managing my   time with one another."  importantly, how caring she
        in the process of mastering   work-life balance. When     I asked Stasia what her   was. Her upbeat and posi-
        my work-life balance. I do   I'm at work, I am at work.   true passions were. "Judy, I   tive outlook are refreshing
        appreciate that Wells Fargo   When I am with friends,   have three passions. I have   and the fact that she treats
        allows me to expand beyond  I'm with friends. When I'm   a passion for learning, a   each client as if they were
        the traditional hours. But   with my husband and my   passion for helping others,   her only one, creates a sense
        also on the flip side, Wells   family, I am with them. I   and I am passionate about   of calm in tumultuous
        Fargo also supports a true   am attempting to master the  traveling."             times. She is not only some-
        work-life balance, and it   ability to be present with    What is one of the life   one you can trust with your
        is not at all a requirement   those I love."          lessons you have learned    money, but she is someone
        placed on me to address        As an only child, Stasia   as a result of your position   you can trust with your
        calls or emails outside of my  developed a bunch of great   at Wells Fargo? "I think it   well-being.

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