Page 15 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 15

Women of Distinction

        a male-dominated indus-
        try. “I connected myself to
        people I wanted to emulate.
        I would watch how they
        conducted themselves in
        meetings, listen to how they
        built consensus in groups,
        and sought their advice. I
        would ask them to lunch so
        I could build a more person-
        al relationship with them.
        While I never had a formal
        mentor-mentee arrange-
        ment, I learned a lot through
        these organic interactions.
        Mentoring is important in
        the broad sense; whether it
        is formalized or not. I would
        encourage young profession-
        als, in any line of business, to
        seek out a relationship with                                                      Photos Courtesy of Kim Shores
        the executives they admire.
        And as seasoned individuals   high-net-worth families and   In my opinion, it’s equally   This is definitely the woman
        in a profession, I firmly be-  advise them in managing   important for a professional   you want looking after your
        lieve in leading by example.   their wealth. This doesn't   to have a strong support   wealth. "We were married
        Whether we recognize it or   mean just managing invest-  system at home.          right after college and had
        not, we are being watched   ments. It's much more com-    Many women I have       two beautiful children: our
        and setting an example for   plex than that because family  spoken to over the years   daughter, Berkeley, who is
        future generations."       dynamics are complex. I get   have attributed career suc-  25, and our son, Bryson,
           Kim makes a concerted   to listen to clients discuss   cess to a supportive partner.   who is 22. My daughter is on
        effort to be available to the   their goals and financial ob-  Kim admits that it is a neces-  the autism spectrum, which
        younger associates with    jectives, and really hear what   sity. "My husband has been   is important because it's part
        whom she works. “I crossed   drives them. What motives   wonderful in supporting   of what made me who I am.
        paths with Stasia Krahling,   them and what they desire   my career. There have been   She has had various chal-
        Senior Premier Banker      for their family legacies. I   times when I have had to   lenges in her young life. And
        at Wells Fargo’s La Costa   then articulate these com-  travel quite a bit, and he had   I learned a lot from her."
        Towne Center Consum-       plexities with various spe-  to do whatever he needed to   Kim's children did not
        er Bank branch, when we    cialists and advocate for the   work and care for the chil-  follow in her footsteps but
        were working across lines of   family within Wells Fargo."  dren while I was traveling.   instead went on to do what
        business on a client initia-   What was the single    That's not easy on the spouse  filled their hearts. "Berke-
        tive. I felt right away she   most important event or   left at home to pick up the   ley has spent a great deal of
        was a bright young star with   challenge that led you to   pieces and can be tough on a   time over her lifetime with
        enormous potential at Wells   the leadership position you   marriage. So, their support is  psychologists. As a result, she
        Fargo. Stasia is enthusiastic,   currently hold? "I would say   critical if it's going to work."  decided to go into the field of
        positive and enjoys learning   support. Support at work   This was my perfect     psychology. Early on in her
        new skills. Stasia is the type   and support at home. At   opportunity to delve deeper   life, I didn't think she would
        of individual that I enjoy   work, that support is having   into Kim's personal life, as   graduate high school, but she
        mentoring because she is in-  the resources available to   we all want to really get to   did! I didn't think she'd go to
        quisitive and self-reflective. I   perform my job to the best   know the women on our   college, but she did! I wasn't
        know how important it is for   of my abilities and having a   pages. So, your husband,   quite sure she would grad-
        her to achieve the goals she   mentor and internal advo-  Keith, and you were married   uate, but she did, and now
        has set for herself."      cate is a great way to ensure   right out of college. "Yes, and  she's a behavioral technician
           While mentoring is one   this. It is wonderful when   I am the one who asked him   working with children on the
        aspect that Kim loves about   you get to know people at   out!" I must admit this was   autism spectrum. She goes
        her job, she also loves being   work and have those con-  not a big surprise to me. Kim  into people's homes and helps
        an advocate for her clients.   nections where they can am-  is a go-getter and certainly   teach the children and, tan-
        "My role is to work with   plify your accomplishments.   focuses on what she wants.   gentially, the parents. I would

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