Page 17 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 17

LOWRIDERS                                                                         Model: Christina Aguirre

                 Article and photos by Maggie Ramos

           What are lowriders?  “A cool   pose with cars as the bow placed
        car  in  which  I  can  go  cruising   on top of a present. They accentu-
        with friends, or just my love and I.”   ate the wonder and joy that “Miss
        These cars come in brilliant bright   Jackson” (a 1974 Chevrolet Monte
        colors or in a nice deep shiny black   Carlo) gives him – a name he bor-
        or navy blue. They are a hobby to   rowed from the famed singer and
        some, and  while others  may be-  dancer he  admired  in his  youth.
        lieve lowriders are gang related,   “It’s just like the icing on the cake,”
        this is not what I have learned   Covarrubias adds. His pride is not
        after talking to some lowrider car   limited to his car. He is a fulltime
        owners. In fact, for many, it is a   firefighter and educator. He holds
        custom. It is a culture of its own.   as much pride for these things
        As with any culture, it can become   as he does for his family and his
        a handful, but the handful can   community. Lowriding is like a
        be a reflection of who these indi-  brotherhood. “Those that are part
        viduals are. Everything it takes to   of the culture are an extension of
        own a car that can bounce, lower   my family, just as my fellow fire-
        itself with the touch of a switch, or   fighters have become like family
        even appear to dance to the beat   too.”
        of an oldie melody as they cruise   “Dreaming Casually,” a 1983
        the boulevard or the beach. These   Buick Regal, is owned by Genaro
        vehicles show off as they deserve   Suarez, who currently works as a
        to be seen, heard, and respect-  maintenance technician. He ex-
        ed.  They  shine from  bumper  to   plained that he grew up around
        bumper and from the roof, down   the lowriding community and
        to the rims, without missing a   with a family who was actively
        spot. They are a labor of love and   involved in the customs and prac-
        pride.                     tices of this culture. For Suarez,
           This is how Ismael Mendez   he  gains  satisfaction  when  the
        describes the pride he has in own-  younger ones look up to him with
        ing “Myth,” his dazzling red 1987   hope and faith that one day they
        Chevrolet Monte Carlo LS. Men-  will be the ones representing the
        dez  grew  up  falling  in  love  with   lowrider  culture.  His  children  are
        these cars. He learned about it   proud of him for accomplishing
        from his older brother, and as he   his dream and goal of owning his
        grew older, the desire to one day   own lowrider. For him, “Dreaming
        own or build one just grew along   Causally” is a work in progress that
        with him. Mendez explained   keeps him  motivated  to try and
        that some of the lowriders are   discover new things with his car.
        built from scratch (starting with   On this day, Christina Aguirre
        the  shell of  a  car) and  some  are   was the icing on the cake or the
        transformed little by little, as their   bow on these three packages.
        budgets allow. Mendez serves his   She graciously volunteered for
        community working at an auto   this  photo  shoot,  reflecting  on
        parts store and assisting with or   her experience modeling years
        coordinating charitable events,   ago. She loves to represent the
        when possible. His partner, Dr.   lowrider  community, aspiring  to   Photo by Elfego Covarrubias
        Elizabeth Ramos, shares the pride   someday have a lowrider of her
        and satisfaction of displaying   own. She demonstrates her pride   time. She also enjoys serving her   mael, Elfego, Genero, and Chris-
        “Myth” in festivals, parades, and   in this culture and in the hard   community, participating in local   tina help demonstrate the values
        various community events.   work that it takes to build and   events and fundraisers. If she can-  and virtues that continue to keep
           I also met the owners of “Miss   maintain these cars by attending   not be present, she gets the word   this culture alive. As with most, it
        Jackson” and  “Dreaming Casual-  local events and promoting her   out through social media and   has evolved over the years and is
        ly.”  The  first  is  owned  by  Elfego   friends’ accomplishments. Agu-  word of mouth.   now considered a family-oriented
        Covarrubias who embraces the   irre works for FedEx and spends   The lowrider culture is not go-  practice that invites everyone to
        culture of lowriding. He also clar-  her nights ensuring that we all   ing away. It’s legacy spans nearly   participate or simply appreciate
        ified that he sees the models that   get our packages delivered on   80 years and individuals like Is-  the marvels of these dancing cars.
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