Page 16 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 16
Women of Distinction
Photos Courtesy of Kim Shores
Photo by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions
say, in some ways, she is one started looking at volunteer to the youth, coordinate with I asked if Kim had any
of my mentors. She taught opportunities and thought, their team of professionals suggestions for our readers
me a lot about who I am. In how can I make the most and advocate on their behalf who might be interested in
teaching her emotional skills impact in the community? within the legal system. And following a similar profes-
and advocating on her behalf And I thought it was taking I have been doing that for the sional path. "I would suggest
with health professionals, I the skills I learned with my last five years. that success is not all about
learned to be patient, kind daughter and applying them. Not that there appears knowledge, education or a
and less judgmental." Kim It was complicated navigating to be much time left with particular path. There needs
is equally proud of her son an environment where she her job and volunteering, to be a balance between that
Bryson who recently gradu- was considered different, but Kim and her husband knowledge, the IQ, and EQ.
ated from Cal Poly San Luis especially in the public school manage to fit in their love IQ is one's mental ability
Obispo and is a mechanical system. Fortunately, we had for sports. "We are Raiders relative to peers, while EQ,
engineer. “He graduated the ‘time, talent and treasure’ fans. My husband and I have referring to emotional intelli-
and, two days later, he began to navigate the complexities season tickets and often fly gence, is the ability to articu-
working at his new job. He with Berkeley. But what hap- to Las Vegas for the games. late or apply that knowledge
has a wonderful girlfriend pens to parents and children We also have season tickets to the world around you. I
and is taking on adulthood who don't? So, I started vol- for the Padres, which was think it’s the combination of
with a flourish." unteering through "Voices for super exciting this year." both IQ and EQ that have
With her children no Children" as a court-appoint- When she and her husband contributed to my success.
longer living at home, Kim ed special advocate for foster aren't watching sports, they It's not only about knowledge
found herself with free youth. Similar to my job at participate. Kim is an avid but also being able to use that
time, but not for long as Wells Fargo’s Private Bank, golfer and also enjoys time knowledge motivating and
she decided to volunteer. "I my volunteer role is to listen playing pickleball. influencing others.“