Page 20 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 20
Carnival in Mazatlán
Article and Photos by Robin Dohrn-Simpson
After Christmas festivi- costumes, Soca music, and The 2023 theme is “De- back to when a French Naval
ties and Valentine’s romance, limbo competitions. javu, Dreams of a Carnival.” Ship tried to invade Mazatlán
it’s time for atonement. That Mazatlán, Mexico, claims It will be fun to see what the but wasn’t successful as the
atonement, according to the to have the 3rd largest Carni- artists come up with this residents fought back and held
Catholic Church, is Lent, a val celebration in the world, coming year. All the floats, off the attack. If you are into
40-day period of fasting, absti- and it is one of the most costumes, and performances reenactments, you can watch
nence, and repentance, leading unique in all of Mexico, com- will be based on this theme. In as actors show the story.
up to Easter. As a sign of sac- plete with Brass Bands lining addition, Monigotes, or giant,
rifice, devotion, and personal the streets and beaches, each colorful carnival puppets, will
strength, millions of people trying to be louder than the be paraded along the Malecon.
worldwide give up some- next. Like traveling trouba-
thing. However, before the dours, they meander from Carnival Saturday
hardships, foregone pleasures, street to street, restaurant to The Saturday of Carnival offers
and sacrifices begin, many restaurant playing their Banda flamboyant parades filled with
countries celebrate with music, and Tambora music. You can frenetic exuberance, fireworks,
food, alcohol, and fun. This walk down the Malecon and awards for poetry, art, and
celebration is called Carnival, listen to a different band every literature, and carnival royalty
Carnaval, or Mardi Gras. few meters. coronations. People gather
Every country and culture Every year there is a around the Malecon, drinking,
that celebrates Carnival has theme. Sprinkled throughout socializing, and dancing the
adapted its own traditions. Mazatlán’s Centro Historico night away to all the different
Mardi Gras in New Orleans and along the Malacon (board- bands.
has its floats and beads and walk), you will find pieces of
King Cakes. Carnaval in Rio art depicting versions of the The Naval Combat Fireworks
de Janeiro, Brazil, has a parade theme, which in 2022 was “La- This firework show is a
of samba schools and phan- nao, the Journey Continues” or popular event on Saturday at
tasmagoric floats in a place “Time Travel,” which encom- Olas Atlas. The area gets very
called the Sambadrome. The passes all those important crowded, and a fun way to see
Caribbean nations of Trinidad events that marked a before the fireworks is to go out on
and Tobago have outlandish and after in our society. a boat tour. The display dates