Page 24 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 24


                                      BREAKING THE BANK

                                                         This Holiday Season

                                                   By Tom Matthews (CFed and Author of “How Money Works”)

                                            The holiday season shopping kickoff is official. While there might be some good deals to be
                                            had, be careful! It’s easy to go overboard and bite off more than you can chew. So how can
                                            you avoid breaking the bank this holiday season?
                                            Tom Mathews has some great tips he would be happy to share. He is the author of the book
                                            “How Money Works” and a Certified Financial Educator (CFEd) (

                                                                       HIS TIPS:

                                        •  Plan ahead:  Make a list and check it   •  Don’t pull out the plastic:  Don’t even
                                          twice. Before you head to the store or   think of using a credit card unless you are
                                          hop online, make a list of each person   100% sure you can comfortably pay it off
                                          you need to buy for and allocate a certain   at the end of the month. The last thing
                                          amount of money for each of them. Don’t   anyone needs is to get hit with high-in-
                                          overspend by even a dollar. This is import-  terest rates and a blemish on their credit
                                          ant because if you start overspending by a   score. Would you rather have the short-
                                          few dollars here and there, it quickly adds   term satisfaction of expensive material
                                          up, and you can easily accumulate debt.   possessions or the long-term results of
                                                                                financial freedom and abundance?
                                        •  Be honest:  Do you really think your
                                          friends and family want to see you go into  •  Learn from the past:  Did you overspend
                                          debt by purchasing them a gift you can’t   last holiday season or the year before?
                                          afford? Of course not! There’s no shame in   Remember how it set you back financial-
                                          telling people that this year will be a lean   ly? Remember how bad it felt when you
                                          holiday season when it comes to exchang-  opened up your credit card statement and
                                          ing gifts. People will appreciate your   realized you couldn’t pay it all? Revisit that
                                          honesty and attention to your finances.   pain and how miserable you felt before
                                                                                you start shopping this holiday season.
                                        •  Don’t get caught up in the moment:  It’s
                                          easy to get consumed by all the holiday   •  Make it a teaching moment:  Your kids
                                          décor and spirit of the season. But if your   are watching your every move, so play it
                                          shopping cart is overflowing, step back,   smart and use the holidays as an opportu-
                                          regroup and make sure you can really   nity to teach kids how money works. Even
                                          afford everything you plan to purchase.   parents who have failed to reach their
                                          While your spouse might really like that   financial dreams can still teach their kids
                                          $1,000 necklace or expensive set of golf   important lessons about money during
                                          clubs, is that really the smartest move if   the holiday season.
                                          you don’t have the money?
                                                                              •  Focus on the real meaning of the holi-
                                        •  Be wary of huge savings:  Black Friday,   days:  Exchanging gifts is a nice tradition,
                                          Cyber Monday, and the rest of the holiday   and there’s nothing wrong with doing
                                          shopping season offers some incredible   so responsibly. This year, make time to
                                          deals on everything from electronics to jew-  focus on the real meaning of the holiday
                                          elry and more, but don’t fall for marketing   season, for example, volunteer at a local
                                          campaigns that make you feel as if you’re   soup kitchen. Donate a gently used toy to
                                          getting a great deal when you’re really not   your favorite children’s charity. Focus on
                                          (i.e., buy it today – pay for it tomorrow, all   spreading peace, love, kindness, and joy
                                          sales final). Always read the fine print.   that will have a lasting impact on people.

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