Page 11 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 11
Women of Distinction
hen most little a part of what I love about
girls are eight what I do. I love being part
Wyears of age, of their lives and enjoy
their main interests are being with them during life
sleepovers and Barbie dolls; changing events. I have the
this was not the case for privilege of being part of
Stasia Krahling. Growing some of their greatest mo-
up with a legacy of bank- ments. For instance, when
ing professionals in her they are getting married,
family, Stasia's interest was when a new child or grand-
deep-seated in the finan- child comes into their lives,
cial industry as the third when they are planning to
generation of bankers, retire, selling a business or
"My Grandfather, Father, even when they travel on
and Mother were all in vacation. Whenever there
the financial industry and is a huge life event, I get the
worked for Wells Fargo, opportunity to help lead
so it was almost a natural them through it."
progression for me to work Stasia is not alone in
for this organization that these moments. Wells Fargo
had been such a great part has a vast financial team
of my family for genera- that will work with her
tions." On occasion, Stasia, clients to assure that they
an only child, could be receive the best advice and
found at the center of many planning possible from
team events. "When no those who specialize in
babysitters were available, each process, ensuring that
I would trail along with experts in each area are
my parents to these events, there to meet their current
and I was thrilled that the and future needs.
guests would speak to me "Listening and under-
as if I was an adult. I just standing the needs of my
loved it and knew from that clients is of utmost impor-
moment that this is what I tance to me. So much of
be sure that this was truly Stasia Krahling what I do includes bringing
wanted to do when I grew
my clients together with
up." Stasia's Mom wanted to
her choice, so she encour- the experts in every area
so that they get insight and
interests as well, but in the Three Generations in Banking the best opportunity to
aged Stasia to pursue other
succeed in whatever they
end, she would remain hope to accomplish. We are
in the field she loved as a By Judith A. Habert very much a team, and we
child. Stasia has been at Photos by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions realize that it takes a team
Wells Fargo for ten years, to assure absolute success in
working her way up from varied situations."
her first position as a teller is clearly an expert in her life. "One of the greatest Aside from the strong
to her current position as field. "I love the ability to things I love about what I responsibility Stasia feels
Senior Premier Banker. make true connections and do is that no two days are for her clients, she also
There are people I have build relationships. I love the same. This is perfect for is an integral part of the
met over the years who say being able to impact my me as I enjoy not knowing branch in which she works.
that they love their job, but clients' lives and to be part what each day may bring. "I'm located in a branch
for Stasia, it is not just a job, of their major life moments. A day in my life includes that allows me to coach
it is who she is, and this is This position allows me the client meetings, addressing and mentor other bankers
evident from the first en- foundation to help others any client inquiries that and tellers and also assist
counter you have with her. achieve their dreams." may come in, or just touch- my branch manager in a
It is not only that she loves I asked Stasia to share ing base to see if my clients multitude of ways. I enjoy
what she is doing, but she with us a typical day in her need any assistance. This is sitting down with my team