Page 8 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 8
Women of Distinction
Carly Castillon loving every moment of her
newfound freedom as an in-
dependent artist. However,
there was a short pause to
Carly's art career when she
Bringing Beauty to Life found out she was pregnant
with twin girls, Lana and
Laya, who just turned 14.
By Judith A. Habert Although she occasionally
Photos Courtesy of Carly Castillon still painted, she put her
painting career on hold for
a few years; caring for twins
Carly Castillon is an ous magazines. "I illustrated close friends, so we hung was more than a full-time
amazing artist who knew everything from The Wall around together." But, of job. "Once our girls started
from the time she was a Street Journal to the Gram- course, they were too young preschool, I knew I had
young girl that she wanted my's to Golf magazine." In to date, though they did to return to my easel and
to be an artist. It wasn't addition to working at these attend a few school events spend my days doing what I
only a desire but an obvious prestigious organizations, together. When Carly re- loved."
choice. "My parents were Carly added Children's turned home, the two would Not only is she doing
always very supportive of book illustrations to her reconnect, and it was as if what she loves, but she has
my career choice. When resume of artistic accom- they had never been apart. an incredible following of
I was in first grade, my plishments. "I published a They married soon after clients who are constantly
teacher told my parents that few of those and was doing their reunion. commissioning her to do
they needed to get me into great career-wise; I enjoyed Carly's business has special portraits of their
art classes because I was the what I was doing, but my blossomed over the years. families, pets, and even
only child in class who drew true love was not illustra- Soon after, she started doing relatives who have passed.
the classroom in perspec- tion; it was oil painting" So, her own paintings she was "Although I prefer painting
tive. All the other kids were as with most things in life, showing in galleries and from life, it is difficult for
just drawing a flat desk. I we will gravitate back to
had three-dimensional and what makes us happiest. For
vanishing points." Carly, it was a passion. "My
Knowing how young true love is painting people
Carly was when her talents and landscapes. I felt a bit
were recognized, I won- burned out doing illustra-
dered if her artistic ability tion, so I decided to choose
runs in the family. "Yes, my what I most loved."
Dad was an architect, so Carly had moved to
as soon as I could hold a Oceanside after graduation,
pencil, he taught me how to and with the continued sup-
draw. And my Mom taught port of her family she went
painting classes. So yes, I out on her own. "Taking
was surrounded by art." the leap from illustration
Born in Mission Viejo, for large publications and
Carly and her family moved organizations to going out
to Fallbrook when she was on my own wasn't that hard
two years old, and she re- because I had the support
mained there through high of my family and friends.
school. After high school, Plus, I was young, dumb,
Carly went on to pursue and eager, and if you don't
her art career. "I attended know you can't do it, you
the ArtCenter College of just do it."
Design in Pasadena, Cal- Carly met her husband,
ifornia. I specialized in illus- Seth, at a young age. No,
tration." After graduation, they weren't high school
her talents were quickly sweethearts; they met when
recognized, and she worked they were both in third
as an illustrator for numer- grade. "Our Moms were