Page 8 - Sarita Maybin
P. 8

than a miracle to have re-                                                        always laughs at the part
        connected with all of them.                                                       about the youngest lad an-
           As the years went on, I                                                        swering the phone call from
        found myself entering the                                                         the detective. My cousin
        second half of life.                                                              had such a thick Irish accent
           During the past five                                                           that the detective could
        years, I have lost both my                                                        barely understand him.  In
        adopted parents, my best                                                          his inexperience, my cousin
        friend of 30 years to cancer                                                      readily gave the address
        and suffered a divorce after                                                      with no questions.
        20 years of marriage. To top                                                         I was able to write to my
        it off I lost my dog, who had                                                     birth mother, and the rest is
        been there for me through-                                                        history. We often wonder if
        out it all.                                                                       someone else had answered
           I couldn’t help but ask                                                        that infamous phone call
        myself, “Where do I go from                                                       if things might have been
        here?”                                                                            different.
           So when my Aunts                                                                  My niece made me
        called from Ireland to say                                                        smile when she said this was
        they were planning another                                                        her most favorite story that
        reunion, I jumped at the                                                          she tells her friends. I have
        chance to get out of the                                                          to say it’s mine too.
        oppressive September heat                                                            The last few days I spent
        in California and smell the                                                       in a cottage by the sea in
        sweet aroma of bog as it                                                          Connemara. I would walk
        burns in the fireplaces.                                                          for miles with my camera,
           The things I noticed                                                           climbing stone walls, and
        about Ireland this time were                                                      sliding through cattle gates
        more than the endless sheep                                                       to find myself surrounded
        roaming the countryside                                                           by abandoned stone houses,
        of stone ruins and castles.                                                       half standing, each with a
        It seemed to be a slower,                                                         legend to share.
        simpler way of life, with in-                                                        I wondered what my
        tegrity being of higher value                                                     Mother would have said if
        than accomplishment.                                                              she saw how everything had
           Legend and history run                                                         lived on among the family.
        deep here, and I couldn’t                                                            I remember her saying
        help but realize that I had                                                       to me, “Ah Dawn, you can
        come full circle, back to my                                                      have the sheep.  I’ll take
        roots to get back in touch                                                        the city lights of New York
        with who I really am.                                                             any day.”  We had so many
           My four male cousins                                                           things in common, but our
        are more like brothers to                                                         love of the city was not one
        me, and we sat around the                                                         of them.
        table at mealtime, reminisc-                                                         Perhaps there is a bit of
        ing about how we came to                                                          my birth father in me some-
        find each other.                                                                  where.  But that’s another
           The next generation                                                            story.
        listens with open ears and

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