Page 13 - Sarita Maybin
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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

        A-Team you are headed for   younger generation who    opment program! For us,
        breakaway success. Don’t   seem to approach life and   you have facilitated four
        settle for less — and take   business from a much     significant upgrades:
        the high road to get there.   different vantage point than   •   Changed and improved
        It is a pretty straightfor-  the past generation.  “I am   how we make hiring
        ward approach. Pamela      not really worried about       decisions
        said it this way; “Executive   Millennials, although some   •   Change and improved
        excellence in communica-   people appear to be be-        how we communicate
        tion, one conversation at   cause, in the end, they love   with new hires
        a time, builds trust among   to produce results.  Sure,   •   Changed and improved
        employees and keeps them   they may travel to the beat    how we interact with
        engaged so that they grow   of a different drum, but they   one another as an exec-
        with the company and       are as concerned as past       utive team
        when engagement and an     generations of CEOs with   •   You helped us elimi-
        A team are present, Break-  achieving success.”           nate the excessive and
        away Success is available                                 destructive gossiping
        and probable.”                                            For me, you keep me fo-
                                                              cused on the critical things
                                                              so I can grow myself into a
                                                              leader, as the successor to
                                                              the CEO.”
                                       This, of course, led me    As near as I can tell Ac-
           Pamela continued, “I    to ask Pamela if there were   countability Pays helps to
        use a triangulated approach   people you just couldn’t fix.  reduce a company’s vulner-
        to gathering data from three  “I only coach people who   ability of losing key em-
        different perspectives start-  want to be coached and   ployees, helps to increase
        ing with the Harrison As-  who are coachable.” One of   employee engagement and
        sessment™ about self. Then I   Pamela’s leadership pro-  can help your team produce
        get feedback from the team   grams includes Executive   unprecedented results too.
        by assessing how effective   Coaching, three Assess-      Pamela and her hus-
        their team is in producing   ments, and three Half-   band Larry have something
        results together.  Separately,   Day Live Events.  She has   in common with San Diego
        direct reports assess how   recently been working with  Woman Magazine; they too
        well their manager is gar-  one company for over two   are celebrating their tenth
        nering discretionary effort   and a half years using all   anniversary. I asked if Larry
        and loyalty. From these fact-  three tools.  Her coaching   was supportive of her busi-
        based inputs I then coach   includes the future succes-  ness, and also the amount
        the team and the leader.   sor to the current CEO.  As   of travel she has to do. “Yes,
           “Once I know the com-   advisor to both the CEO    he is extremely supportive,
        pany’s goals, their needs,   and executive team mem-  he even insists all of his
        their budgetary consider-  bers, she is proud of their   clients take the Harrison
        ations and how much time   growing willingness and    Assessment™.  I can’t think
        they have available, I will   muscle to address tough   of anything more support-
        design my offering to ac-  issues straight on with-   ive than that.” She smiled
        commodate their needs.”    out getting personal and   broadly.
           With all of Pamela’s    therefore getting to desired
        experience working with    results more efficiently and
        CEO’s, often of her own    effectively. The successor     For more information on Pamela and her firm
        generation, I had to ask   to the CEO said this about     Accountability Pays visit her two websites at
        how things are different   Pamela’s contribution: or
        when she is faced with the     “Every company should
        new Millennial CEOs, the   use your leadership devel-

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