Page 10 - Sarita Maybin
P. 10

Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

            N NOVEMBER 28,    Southern California   opening a winery and   the best of a selection   Koi Zen Winery
        O2017, Lisa and Dar-  family. Darius and Lisa   she happily agreed. It   of fields. Koi Zen buys   is an intimate and
        ius Miller will celebrat-  shared one common   was something they   their grapes from the   welcoming place to go
        ed their 30th wedding   passion, beside their   had prepared for and   Northern California,   and spend an evening
        anniversary. What do   twins that is, that   the Millers decided to   the Santa Barbara, Paso  with friends, or better
        you give your spouse   passion was wine. They   ‘go for it’.     Robles, area. Once the   yet, with that special
        for a 30th anniversary   spent hours watching    On April 25, 2015,   grapes are selected,   someone. For $20 you
        present?              videos, taking classes   Koi Zen Cellars opened   they are destemmed,   can try 5 wines in a
           Lisa was raised    together, going to wine  its’ doors in Carmel   fermented and pressed  tasting flight plus get
        in Pennsylvania, the   tasting events, and   Mountain Ranch, for-  together, and put in a   a glass of your favorite
        5th of 7 children so,   many hours discussing   merly known as Pho-  barrel to age. This pro-  wine. This craft winery
        she learned the art   when it came time to   tography by Lisa K. Koi   cess gives Koi Zen, the   has a tasting room and
        of survival. Her father   retire, they would retire  Zen is a craft winery,   ability to create their   a gift shop that offers
        died when Lisa was    into the wine industry.  which is like any other   own blends of wine.   ‘all things’ about wine.
        raising 7 kids; a daunt- Our Dream Came True                                           that has just been de-
                                                                                               There is also an area
        just 13, and her mother
        became a single mom
                                                                                               veloped by the Millers,
        ing thought!                                                                           which can accommo-
           After earning her                       By Carol Heath                              date about 125 people,
        degree in college, Lisa                                                                for private parties,
        taught Home Econom-                                                                    small weddings, and
        ics for 6 years, married                                                               meetings.
        Darius, had twin girls,                                                                   If you are like me,
        and moved from Penn-                                                                   you are probably
        sylvania to California                                                                 wondering why name
        for a job opportunity                                                                  a craft winery, Koi Zen.
        that Darius could not                                                                  Lisa was kind enough
        turn down. As a young                                                                  to relay that Darius
        mother newly relocated                                                                 built a small koi pond
        in Southern California,                                                                in their back yard. They
        Lisa wanted to become                                                                  made this area a place
        active in the commu-                                                                   where Lisa and Darius
        nity. She enrolled in                                                                  could relax, meditate,
        Palomar Community                                                                      or just have a relaxing
        College in San Marcos.                                                                 glass of wine. They
        There, she concentrated                                                                called it their ‘zen’ spot,
        on learning more about                                                                 ergo, Koi Zen was chris-
        one of her passions,                                                                   tened and their dream
        photography. Being a                                                                   came into fruition.
        photographer allowed   Photo Courtesy of Lisa K. Miller                                   Remember I asked
        Lisa the time she want-                                                                what you would give
        ed to spend with her    Life gives us chal-  winery you’ve been to,   Koi is known for its’ red   your spouse as a gift for
        twin daughters being   lenges when we least   it just doesn’t have a   blends and Malbec is   your 30th anniversary?
        an active participant in   expect them, and the   vineyard, and is usually   arguably their best and  Well, Darius gave Lisa
        their lives.          Millers were about to   located in an industrial   most popular red wine.  something very special,
           Darius was working   get one of those chal-  park or a commercial   This craft winery has   he created ‘Lot 1187’!
        in corporate America   lenges when at the age   space. In just 2 short   produced some 2800   What a romantic this
        in a high stress job   of 51, Darius suffered a   years, Koi Zen Cellars,   cases of wine in 2017,   guy is, can you imagine
        and seemed to be      stroke from stress and   was voted #1 Local   not bad for a couple   having a wine created
        thriving. Lisa opened   high blood pressure.   Winery, by the readers   of kids from Pennsyl-  to celebrate your special
        a photography studio   After some soul-search-  of the San Diego Union   vania.        day some 30 years ago?
        and her business was   ing Darius declared he   Tribune.
        slowly growing. The   was not going to go     One advantage to      Koi Zen Cellars, 12225 World Trade Drive, Suite P,
        twins were growing, as   back to the stress of   a craft winery is that   San Diego, California.
        kids have a tendency   corporate America. He   you are not limited to   Visit for hours, events
        to do. The Millers were   told Lisa he wanted to   just one field of grapes,   and photos.
        the picture of a typical   pursue the dream of   instead you can buy

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