Page 12 - Sarita Maybin
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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

        and expect accountability      When Pamela offered    technology based on Enjoy-  traits to avoid that would
        from their teams. Addi-    to have me take the Harri-  ment Performance Theory    hinder my performance as
        tionally, Pamela noted, “A   son Assessment™ I agreed,   and Paradox Technology™.    a leader, and how to bene-
        leader must be trustworthy.   although I must admit, a   Harrison’s education and   fit from my strengths that
        With the level of trust in our   part of me may have been   background were in orga-  uniquely help me in my job.
        country right now being at   a bit frightened to find out   nizational psychology and   I learned more about who
        an all-time low according to   if I was cut out to be in a   mathematics. It provides   I am concerning leadership
        the Edelman Trust Barom-   leadership position. Was I   deep insight into the selec-  and communication skills
        eter (https://www.edelman.  running this Magazine the   tion of the right candidates   and how I handle stress
        com/trust2017/), leaders   way I should, or perhaps I   for a specific job, which is   than any other information
        must demonstrate integrity   should hand the reigns over   based on research into high,  I have ever been given.
        and consciousness about the   to a more qualified leader.    medium and low perform-  One of the interesting
        broader world when making   After much procrastination,   ers.  The Harrison software   facts that I learned about the
        their decisions. We have a   something I am admittedly   system includes 6,500 differ-  Harrison Assessment™ from
        lot of fear in the world right   very good at, I sat at my   ent jobs.            the founder Dr. Harrison
        now, so our leaders have   computer and took the          A great tool is just    is that unconscious prefer-
        to be solid citizens going   twenty-minute assessment   that — a tool unless it is   ences often dictates how we
        forward to deal with our   that would be eyes into my   placed in the hands of a   behave at work, so simply
        current world.”            personality, leadership, team  great facilitator. Pamela   asking interview questions
                                   skills — my underlying     Stambaugh is an outstand-   will not always provide
            One Powerful Tool      work preferences.  During   ing facilitator. I took the   accurate insight into the
           What one method did     that experience I wondered   Harrison Assessment™, and   person you are hiring.
        Pamela find that makes her   one thing.  Yes, the New   if I am 100% honest, from a   Accountability Pays is
        stand out among those who   Yorker reared its ugly head   short 20-minute experience   a Certified Women-owned
        attempt to direct future   again, could a person cheat   it appears that Pamela now   Business, meaning she
        good leaders to become     on this test? After the first   knows more about me than   meets their high business
        great and great leaders to   few questions, I realized it   even my closest friends.   standard.  It is a designation
        become exceptional? “I     was way too well designed   Truthfully though the as-  of which Pamela is very
        would have to say it is one   for that and in fact provides   sessment, comparing me to   proud.
        of the major tools that I   a mechanism for detect-   175 behavioral tendencies,         The Process
        use, which is the Harrison   ing attempts to cheat.  The   was right on regarding my   The image below helps
        Assessment™.”  I had heard   Harrison Assessment™ was   work preferences. The great   to explain what it takes to
        of this before, but never   the creation of Dan Har-  thing was that it didn’t just   achieve breakaway success;
        quite understood what it   rison, Ph.D. who came up   report these findings, it told   excellence in the executive
        was, or honestly didn’t know   with this groundbreaking   me ways to improve the   suite creates trust. With an
        anyone who had used it in
        their business.
           Being from New York,
        and yes, it is the skeptical
        capital of the world, I like
        to try out products that
        I review. I feel this way
        whether it is a review of a
        new product on the market
        or an employee assessment
        that is touted as one of, if
        not the greatest, tool to
        assess the hiring, manage-
        ment, growth, leadership
        potential and the suitability
        of an individual for his or
        her job.

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