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KEEPING   THE  HOPE  ALIVE              A 10th Anniversary Special Feature

                                                           Sarita Maybin

                                                           S P EAKER


                                                                 By Judith A. Habert

                                                               Photos by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions

                                      HE CROWDED ROOM         and graduate degrees.  Her   seling to impart what she had
                                   Texpels a collective laugh   life’s ambition was Academia,   learned over the years.  Her
                                   as Sarita Maybin reels off   utilizing her undergraduate   focus was in an area she felt
                                   those famous words that    degree in psychology and her  was so important, particular-
                                   almost all of us recall hearing   master’s degree in counsel-  ly in the existing corporate
                                   from our Moms when we      ing to hold the position as   climate, the ability to success-
                                   were growing up.  Starting   University Dean of Students.   fully communicate.
                                   the phrase and challenging   Although she loved her       Sarita’s alignment with a
                                   the audience to complete   interactions with students,   marketing partner and a few
                                   it “If it ain’t broke… sticks   the quiet office in the back of   speaker’s bureaus soon had
                                   and stones may break my    the administration building   her traveling not only the
                                   bones… If you can’t say    did not fulfill a need in Sarita,   country but the world. She
                                   something nice…” Of course,   who was at her best when   is an international speaker
                                   the chorus of answers comes   she was communicating with   and communication expert
                                   loud and clear from the    people.  When her ex-hus-   whose audiences have fun
                                   audience, because for the   band, previously stationed at   learning how to stay positive.
                                   majority of those in the room,  Camp Pendleton, was given   “When people ask me my
                                   this was how we learned life   a recruiting assignment back   mission statement it is simply
                                   lessons.  Sarita Maybin brings   east, Sarita gave her notice to   stated, “Helping people work
                                   these lessons back to us, but   the University and decided it   together better” at least this is
                                   with an updated twist allow-  might, in fact, be time to pur-  my formal mission statement,
                                   ing us to understand how   sue a career that was more   but several of my clients have
                                   our communication skills   in line with who she was and   said a better one would be
                                   may have been learned many   what gave her joy in life.  “Helping people play nicely at
                                   many years ago, but now       On a whim, Sarita sent   work.”  Sarita has successfully
                                   “with just one small adjust-  a video to CareerTrack who   been doing so for over 23
                                   ment,” we can make it work in   was impressed and brought   years.
                                   today’s world.             her on board as an inde-       Since 1993, Sarita has
                                      Sarita was an Army brat   pendent contract trainer.    spoken in all 50 states, Puerto
                                   growing up all over the    Several years later, when that   Rico, Mexico, Jamaica, Cana-
                                   world, the oldest of four   contract abruptly ended due   da, England, Asia, and Iceland.
                                   children.  She graduated from  to a reorganization, Sarita   She was also voted a 2012
                                   high school in Germany and   started venturing out on the   Top 5 Communication Speak-
                                   came back to the states to at-  speaking circuit, utilizing her   er and had the privilege of
                                   tend the University of Mary-  impressive backgrounds in   speaking on the prestigious
                                   land for both undergraduate   both psychology and coun-  TEDx stage.
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