Page 20 - Sarita Maybin
P. 20

Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

                                                                 HERE ARE TIMES WHEN      finally did for good and de-
                                                              Tyou meet someone for       cided for her and her daugh-
                                                              the first time, and you can   ter's sake she needed to go
                                                              tell; this is someone who   back to school and move on
                                                              could become your best      with her life. Terri enrolled at
                                                              friend.  I sensed that when   the University of Minnesota
                                                              I had the pleasure of inter-  and was on her way to a
                                                              viewing Terri Yurek.  Although  better life for herself and her
                                                              she was born and raised in   daughter.
                                                              Coon Rapids Minnesota, one     It was a camping trip
                                                              look at her and you would   organized by a college class-
                                                              swear she was a native      mate that led Terri to meet
                                                              Southern California girl.  Most  the love of her life and the
                                                              impressive to a native New   man who would six years lat-
                                                              Yorker, who is constantly   er drive her and her daughter
                                                              reminded of my nagging      to their new location in sunny
                                                              East Coast accent that I fear   San Diego.  "1995 was a very
                                                              will never leave me, is that   eventful year.  Matt and I got
                                                              she even sounds like she was   married, moved to California,
                                                              born and raised in San Diego.    and bought a house.  Coming
                                                              "I got teased all the time   to California was one of the
                                                              when I first came here, so I   best things I have done in my
                                                              worked hard to tone down    life."
                                                              the accent."  Apparently, she   This young mom was in
                                                              did a great job of it.  Terri   her last year of college when
                                                              moved here in 1995 when     she married and moved
                                                              her then boyfriend popped   to San Diego, intent on
                                                              the question and along with   completing her degree she
                                                              it a suggestion that they   registered at San Diego State
                                                              leave Minnesota and move to   and graduated Cum Laude
                                                              San Diego.                  with a finance degree. “At the
                                                                 Terri's life had been quite   time I thought I wanted to be
               Terri Yurek                                    a challenge up until this   a financial planner, but be-
                                                              point.  Pregnant at 17, Terri
                                                                                          fore long I decided that this
                                                                                          was not the career for me. I
                                                              was carried away with the ro-
          TAKING THE MYSTERY                                  mantic fantasy of the perfect   ended up taking a job at Park
                                                                                          Terrace Medical Associates,
                                                              little family living together
                                                              and raising their beautiful
                                                                                          now known as Arch Health
             OUT OF MEDICARE                                  little daughter and living   Partners Medical Group in
                                                                                          Poway, where I worked as a
                                                              happily ever after.  Protesting
                                                              parents were told that they   Financial Analyst."  Although
                   Photo by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions    were in love and that would   Terri loved the company, she
                                                              make everything fine. This   soon realized that working in
                                                              soon turned into the reality   a cubicle all day as a financial
                                                              of being a teenager trying to   analyst just wasn't for her,
                                                              take care of a baby with an   but she remained there for
                                                              alcoholic, abusive husband.    four years and learned a lot
                                                              Terri's perfect image was   in her position.  Enough to
                                                              wiped away, and after many   know that she had interest
                                                              failed attempts to leave she   in the insurance field, and

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