Page 25 - Sarita Maybin
P. 25

Straight Talk

                      Who is Running the Asylum?

          HREE WEEKS INTO THE         Okay, now you know I may   It seems that the actions of   figures or more to play that
        Tcontroversy Roger Goodall,   be biased, nonetheless I know   one 3rd string quarterback has   game. So, if your boss says you
        the NFL Commissioner, finally   a lot of Americans that feel   become the actions of many. I   are going to stand, you better
        released a statement con-  the way I do about disrespect-  think the NFL underestimated   stand. He pays you to stand, he
        cerning the actions of many   ing the flag or the National   the reaction of their fan base. I   doesn’t have to care about your
        football players. Unless you   Anthem. Now here comes   also think the owners are afraid   feelings. So put on your big
        have been in seclusion the past   the best part, most of these   to make any statements. Jerry   boy pants and suck it up.
        few months, I would venture   players don’t even know what   Jones, who owns the Dallas   This is not the venue for
        to say that you are aware of   they are protesting. They can’t   Cowboys, came out and told   you to make a statement by
        the actions of some. These   seem to make up their minds   his players they will stand for   kneeling during the anthem no
        players have decided to take a    and it keeps changing from   the playing of the anthem. He   matter what your protest may
        knee, lock arms, hold up fists,   week to week. I’ve read various   is getting flak from all sides.   be. Lots of people buy tickets
        whatever their chosen vehi-  articles that have stated they   When is the last time you had a   to watch you play the game. If
        cle, during the playing of the   are protesting police brutality,   job and the owner told you to   you want to make a statement
        National Anthem. Mr. Goodall’s   the inequality of races, the   do something and you protest-  you make enough money to
        statement is yet another cop   government, and President   ed for the whole world to see.   buy a venue in which to do so.
        out and really doesn’t take a   Trump. Make up your minds   I don’t think you would have   In fact, get all your buddies
        stand on this issue one way   boys, what is it.        that job very long.        who make as much money as
        of the other. He intimates the                                                    you do, who also protested,
        league is sympathetic to the                                                      and you can buy out sever-
        players and says next week at                                                     al stadiums and make your
        the owner’s meeting the issue                                                     protest.
        will be discussed.                                                                   Do I sound passionate, you
           Before I write another                                                         bet your booty I am. I worked
        word, I had to decide whether                                                     for a professional sports team
        I would write a prelude or a                                                      for over 20 years. During that
        caveat to this article; I decided                                                 time, I saw lots of spoiled, over
        on a prelude. I am old school                                                     protected athletes in every
        brought up in a very traditional                                                  sport. These guys were treated
        Italian family. My grandpar-                                                      like gods from the time they
        ents immigrated from Italy                                                        were discovered to have ath-
        and spent time on Ellis Island                                                    letic ability of some kind. Some
        before being allowed to walk                                                      of them from the time they en-
        on the streets of New York.                                                       tered high school. They expect
        They worked hard, raised their                                                    special treatment no matter
        children, and instilled in them   Ratings have plummeted   The bottom line is this,   where they go. They say and do
        what a privilege it was to be   the last few weeks on televi-  according to some reporters,   things without ever having to
        able to live and breathe in the   sion. The attendance at games   they say there is nothing in the   pay the consequences.
        United States. My grandfather   have fallen drastically. Maybe   leagues by laws or in a player’s   I would be willing to bet
        was animate about 2 things,   the league is getting the mes-  contract that they are required   most of the guys locking arms
        love and respect; they went   sage and that is why Goodall   to stand during the anthem.   and kneeling don’t even know
        hand in hand as far as he was   made his weak statement.   However, according to other   what is going on in the world.
        concerned. You loved your     When Kaepernick took a   announcers and radio hosts   How we have lost the respect
        family and you respected them   knee at a 49er home game   there is a paragraph saying just   of other nations because of
        along with anybody older than   last year I was personally   that. One tv host even showed   people like them. People who
        you, policeman, fireman, teach-  appalled. When the owners   the league contract that is used   say and do things that are un-
        ers, the list goes on, but I think   or the league didn’t make a   and it clearly states they will   thinkable to the vast majority
        you get the idea. My grandfa-  statement, I began boycot-  stand during the anthem.  of Americans. I’m not saying
        ther loved the United States   ting watching the 49ers on   Some players are being   all, I learned a long time ago
        and I can remember when I   television. I had been a niner   quoted as saying “The owners   that’s a lot of people, but most
        was about 4 years old, when   fan and previous season ticket   and the league don’t really care   of the players are clueless. They
        he showed me how to stand   holder for many years. When   about us or our feelings.” Hey   are overpaid, spoiled brats that
        at attention and hold my hand   I say many, I can remember   buddy you are playing a game,   need to grow up and see how
        over my heart to honor the flag   sneaking under the fence at   it is a game not brain surgery.   the rest of us live.
        of his adopted country.    Kezar to watch a game.      You are getting paid some 6

        The opinions expressed within Straight Talk are not necessarily the opinions of San Diego Woman Magazine.  25
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