Page 29 - Sarita Maybin
P. 29

Pet is a term which   for your pet and have   for dogs. With a single
        has been erased from   also made their way into   objective of increasing
        popular vernacular. The   your dog dish. Used as a   the quality and length of
        more common names     preservative to help pre-  life for as many dogs as
        for our dogs these days   vent food spoilage, BHA   possible through a bal-
        include Fur Baby, Son,   and BHT are directly as-  anced whole food diet,
        Daughter, Snookums,   sociated with cancer and   JUST FOOD FOR DOGS   •  Beef & Russet Potato  tritional value. Because
        Boo Boo, and other    kidney damage. These   opened the world’s first   •  Lamb & Brown Rice  of this eye-opening in-
        disgustingly adorable   harsh chemicals that   Pet Kitchen! Custom-  •  Turkey & Whole   formation, Shawn decid-
        words. Can you remem-  make the cut for animal   ers visiting their store   Wheat Macaroni  ed he would never feed
        ber the last time you   feed in the United States   locations can WATCH   •  Venison & Squash   his dogs commercial
        called Fido by his birth   are banned in other   as a fresh batch of   •  Chicken & Wild Rice  food again and began
        given name? I can’t.   countries. Realizing this   “Chicken and Wild Rice”             on his quest to create a
        Personally, I’ve turned   massive shortcoming in   or “Salmon and Sweet   For the holidays,   company based on hon-
        my beautifully named   FDA guidelines, many   Potato” is cooked in front   JUST FOOD FOR DOGS   esty. This honesty led
        MOCHA (a Red Fawn     pet parents began     of their own eyes. From   has a way for your fur   him to assemble a team
        French Bulldog for those   cooking for their animals   the slicing of each breast   baby to feel engaged in   of even more knowl-
        inquiring minds) into   at home.            of chicken to the mixing   the festivities, a limited   edgeable veterinarians,
        MO MO, Mokey Bear,                                               release recipe of Tur-  nutritionists, and chefs
        Chicken Nugget, MO MO   Only the Best!                           ducken! Don’t feel like   to develop the recipes
        LICIOUS and just about                                           any of these options are   we have the pleasure of
        everything except that                                           exactly what your pet   receiving today.
        REAL name. So why is it       By Jaime Tori Habert               needs? JFFD special-     Ready to order a
        that we find ourselves                                           izes in CUSTOM diets,   meal plan for your lil
        searching Webster's              Photos courtesy of JFFD         designed and cooked   snookums? Visit any
        dictionary for any term                                          to order based on your   of their store locations
        OTHER than what we       Now, I consid-     of broth into the recipe,   pup’s nutritional needs   (Del Mar for those of us
        ourselves chose for our   er myself a pet chef   you have the security   and preferred tastes.   proudly deemed San Di-
        animals? It's simple; we   extraordinaire, but   of knowing this isn't   Does Fido have derma-  egans) or go online now
        love them.            Mocha thinks otherwise.   your mother's dog food   tological issues or strug-  at https://www.justfood-
           This level of love for   After becoming quite   facility. Once a batch is   gle with hip and joint to begin
        our four-legged friends   unimpressed with my   completed, it is packed   function?  JUST FOOD   a journey of health that
        doesn't just end at our   critically acclaimed   and frozen to maintain   FOR DOGS provides   will elongate the life of
        verbiage. Educated pet   "Chicken-a-la-Boiled,"   its freshness. With home   veterinarian counseled   your pet while bring-
        owners now realize    and "Beef-a-la-Grilled,"   delivery of all of their pet   diets specifically formu-  ing the much-needed
        that the food that their   Mocha's elevated   products, from veteri-  lated to treat your pet’s   convenience of simply
        parents fed the family   palate called for some   narian approved natural   health problems.   defrosting nutritionally
        dog was far from ideal.   nutritionally sound and   supplements to the   The genius behind   sound food for your
        Ethoxyquin, a common   equally delicious gour-  ever-popular beef liver   such innovation is   pride & joy.
        preservative in dog   met eats. Luckily, the   bark and dried chicken   Shawn Buckley. When
        foods, was originally de-  culinary Gods dropped   tenders, it’s no wonder   he investigated the
        veloped as an herbicide.   JUST FOOD FOR DOGS   JUST FOOD FOR DOGS is   ingredients in his own
        This ingredient has been   into our laps just in the   exploding in popularity   dogs' food, he found a
        linked to kidney failure,   nick of time.   amongst quality con-  laundry list of by-prod-
        cancer, and liver damage   JUST FOOD FOR    scious consumers.    ucts, preservatives, and
        in canines. Butylated-hy-  DOGS is a company ded-  So what’s on the   toxic chemicals; not to
        droxyanisole (BHA) or   icated and built on the   menu? If you’re looking   mention the fact that
        butylated hydroxytol-  premise of making fresh,   for the staples, here are   most foods were cooked
        uene (BHT) are equally   healthy, wholesome   their meal options for   at such a high tempera-
        potent and dangerous   food readily available   pups:            ture that it killed all nu-

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