Page 32 - Sarita Maybin
P. 32

Incredible Kids of San Diego

          HE MAY BE TINY,     it with exceptionally   to her at the Morgan   horse youth club now    In her spare
        Sbut she has the      high academics.      Horse convention in   for 3 years and helps   time she loves to help
        spirit and determi-      Her dedication    Riverside California. In  direct the creative   the homeless in her
        nation of a giant.  At   becomes evident when  Febuary 2017 Assem-  aspect of the club. Her   community by pass-
        just 11 years of age   her mom, Pam Hodge,   blyman Brian Maien-  trainer Ann Miller of   ing out blankets and
        Natalia (Nini) Hodge,   shares her schedule,   schein awarded Nini   Miller Equestrian has   hygiene kits as well as
        an avid equestrian,   “Nini is up every    with 2 State of Califor-  been training her for   visiting with them and
        has won more hon-     morning at 430 am.    nia Certificates for all   almost 4 years now   helping to feed them.
        ors than many win in   We live in Poway so it   her accomplishments.    and has also produced   Nini’s parents are not
        lifelong careers. Nini   takes time to drive to   Nini has been an   multiple world cham-  wealthy people in fact
        competes at all levels   Escondido so she can   officer in her Morgan   pions from her barn.  her Dad Bill works 14
        of horse shows local   train from 6 am to 7
        and out of state. She   am. Once there she
        has made quite a name   gets her horse ready,
        for herself over the   they take their ride
        last 4 years appearing   and then she cleans
        in various magazines   her tack and horse,
        and news articles and   puts him away and we
        even on television. She   head back to Poway
        has won awards and    by 8 am so she can be
        ribbons as well as the   at school where she
        prestigious High Point   attends class until 230
        award for Reserve     every day. Nini is in
        Rider of the year.    the GATE program
            Her wins in-      and has tested in the
        clude first place in the   top 4% academically in
        regionals in Santa Bar-  the nation.”
        bara, she won Grand       On March 1st
        Champion and English   2016 the county of San
        pleasure and received   Diego California took
        an award from Bri-    formal notice of this
        an Maienschein for    amazing young wom-
        being an outstanding   an and proclomated
        youth in the commu-   that day as Nini Hodge
        nity.  One of her most   day in assemblywoman
        memorable wins was at  Dianne Jacobs office,
        the Oklahoma Morgan   more recently Nini was
        World Championship    awarded the American
        horse show where she   Morgan Horse Youth
        took reserve World    Achievement award
        champion for the 2nd   that was presented
        year in a row she was
        voted 2nd best in the
        world, the Morgan
        Grand National and
        World Championship
        is the biggest show
        of the year bringing
        Morgan owners and
        competitors from all
        over.  On the local
        level she has won over
        20 grand champion-
        ships as well as over
        50 championship
        titles. She loves what
        she does and balances

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