Page 28 - Sarita Maybin
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Holiday Gift Guide


                           Perfect Gift

           EY LADIES, CHRIST-  but a diamond ring you   Step 3 Choose a   so many parts to you.    your one of a kind ring.
       Hmas is around the     design! It’s going to be   jeweler.           If you have no idea   Take several pictures of
        corner and I’d just like   on your finger, so why   This step is vitally im-  what style or cut of   your ring, the receipt for
        to give you a quick   not have some input.   portant. You may know   diamond you want, your   the ring, a copy of the
        tutorial on how to pick   No more slippers, night   a jeweler already. You   jeweler should be a   GIA report and take it to
        the perfect gift just for   gowns, the latest kitch-  may consider a jeweler   certified gemologist and   your insurance agent.
        you. Maybe you never   en gadget, you want   on line, the important   he will be able to help   He/she will take it from
        got an engagement     diamonds!             thing is, you must be   you with the design.   there.
        ring, maybe you need     This little tutorial is   able to communicate   Look at pictures, maybe   Step 8 Care & Maintain
        a magnifying glass to   an 8-step process that   with him honestly and   a friend’s ring, just make   You wouldn’t think of
                              you can share with your   in a straightforward   sure the design is some-  buying a car without
                              son someday. That day   manner. Hint: you will   thing you want and   getting it serviced
                              will be here sooner   pay 20-30% more if   not something you are   every 3,000 miles. You
                              than you want. This can   you go to the mall and   settling for, remember   have just purchased an
                              actually be a bonding   chances are you won’t   you deserve this.  expensive piece of jew-
                              experience for the men   be able to design that   Step 6 Select a   elry and it needs care
                              in your life, as ultimately,   one of a kind ring.  diamond or diamonds  and some maintenance.
                              they will be responsible   Step 4 Guarantees and   Diamonds are rated by   You can soak your ring
                              to buy you that perfect   Warranties       the Gemological Insti-  in dish soap and water
                              present. Better yet, you   Similar to how cars have   tute of America or the   to clean it and every 6
                              don’t have a husband   titles and registration,   GIA.  GIA reports provide   months a trip to your
                              or a son, you have 2   diamonds and gem-   a full description of the   jeweler for a deep
                              daughters, time to teach   stones have grading   diamond, including   cleaner is a good idea.
                              them the importance of   reports. It is imperative   color, weight, measure-  This 8-step tutorial
                              diamonds being a girl’s   that the diamond you   ments, cutting style,   was suggested by Nick
                              best friend.          choose comes complete   and disclose any known   Miller, CEO of Mint
                              Step 1 Set your budget  with a grading certifi-  treatments. There   Diamonds in Houston,
                              Be realistic, don’t go   cate.             requirements meet very   Texas. Mint Diamonds
        see the diamond in your   cheap this is for you and   Step 5 Design the ring  high standards. Make   is an online full-service
        original engagement   you deserve it. But you   Think about the anat-  sure you get a full report   jewelry store. Their
        ring. I’m here to tell you   don’t want to feel like   omy of the ring, the   with your diamond from   customer care is top
        it is time, you deserve   you have to take out a   setting, the band, the   the GIA.   notched and you can
        this, you want this.   second on the house.  cut of the diamond.   Step 7 Get insurance  actually design your
        Time to come right out   Step 2 Ring size   This is the fun part, as   You are almost an   ring with different
        and tell you husband,   You most likely know   you communicate with   expert by now, so you   programs on your
        significant other, you   your ring size, but if   your jeweler, he will give   should insure your   computer. Best part no
        deserve to have a     you don’t, it is very easy   some suggestions. There   purchase with the peace   charge for this service
        diamond on your finger.   to go to a jeweler and   are so many parts to a   of mind that in case   and their designers are
        Not just any diamond,   measure your finger.  ring, just like there are   something happens to   super creative.

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