Page 26 - Sarita Maybin
P. 26

Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

             HEN I ARRIVED AT  the opportunity to study       ing those who don't have    these goals.
        WFinancial Advisor,        comparative economics at   high bank balances because     One of the questions I
        Deana Carter's office, the   Oxford University in En-  I can educate them along   have personally wondered
        place was buzzing.  The    gland.  When she completed  the way."                  was the age one should
        buzz was not due to the    college, she realized that her   Education is so essential  start saving for the future.
        usual reason, clients with   organization and math skills  to Deana that she is current-  So, I posed the question to
        appointments waiting to    would be better put to use in  ly working on a book which   Deana.  Her response sur-
        meet with their advisor;   the financial planning field.   will answer many funda-  prised me, "You should start
        there was actually a differ-  "It was actually November   mental questions that clients  saving for your future at age
        ent reason for the mayhem.    of 1992 when I was offered   might be embarrassed to   25."  I was a bit shocked by
        Time was coming close to   a position as a financial   admit they do not know.    this response, but when she
        Deana’s deadline for her an-  advisor, exactly 25 years    “We have had many      showed me the specifics, I
        nual Feed the Troops Drive.   ago. The job itself happened   women come in for appoint-  understood why she felt this
        Not the nationally recog-  to be a perfect fit for me.  I   ments who either due to the   way. She explained, “If you
                                      Deana Carter                                        age 25, and earn on average
                                                                                          start saving $100 a month at
                                                                                          of 5% annually, at age 65
                                     A FINANCIAL MIND                                     you will have $154,000.  If
                                                                                          you wait until age 35 and
                                                                                          save $100 a month, earning
                                     AND A HEART OF GOLD                                  on average 5% annually, you
                                                                                          will have saved $84,000.  If
                                               By Judith A. Habert                        you wait until age 35 and
                                                                                          start saving $200 a month,
                                                                                          double the above, at 5%, it
                                                 Photo courtesy of Deana Carter           will only grow to $117,000.
                                                                                          This is how ‘compounding
        nized organization, but one   felt I could assist people   death of their husband or   interest’ works.  This is
        she puts together on her   more by helping them build   divorce, finding themselves   why we say, ‘the earlier, the
        own with the help of friends  for their future, instead of   in a position where they   better’ when it comes to
        and clients.  People stopped   building buildings." After   have to manage their own   planning for your future.”
        by with checks, food items   a pause, I said,   "Good   money.  For many, this is    I had to ask my favorite
        and gift cards to add to   move?"  Deana smiled at    something they have never   questions of our expert.
        this wonderful cause that   me from behind her desk in   done before, and they are   What are some special tips
        is instrumental in ensuring   downtown Rancho Santa Fe   terrified.  It is often a hand   you could provide for our
        our service men, women     and quickly responded "Oh,   holding process where I sit   readers on financial health?
        and their families do not go   yes. A very good move!"   someone down and walk    Deana's suggestions includ-
        without during the holiday    One of the many things   them through the many op-  ed the following:
        season. This is but only one   I admire about Deana is   tions they have and explain
        of the many selfless endeav-  that she is wide open when   the benefits and drawbacks   Pay yourself first- Put a
        ors Deana participates in on  it comes to the clientele she   of the choices available.   small amount of money
        a regular basis all year long.  manages.  She manages both  My upcoming book will be   aside each month in a sep-
           Deana has been serving   CEO’s, wealthy individuals   a guide to basic financial   arate account that is just
        the Rancho Santa Fe and    in their own right, but she   knowledge, which I will   for you. This is whether
        surrounding communities    also has clients who are   provide to any client in a   you are single, married,
        as a Financial Planner for   simply putting away $100 a   similar position."  Besides   divorced or widowed.  You
        over twenty years, a career   month to assure that their   the book, Deana offers   need to have your own
        she did not initially set out   children can attend college.   frequent seminars to help   source of money.
        to pursue. A native San    "Often I will work with an   educate clients and potential   Be knowledgeable- Read
        Diegan, Deana attended     entire firm. Everyone from   clients.  One of her most   or take courses, but find a
        college to obtain a degree   the owners to the clerical   popular ones is, "Picture   way to educate yourself on
        in civil engineering so she   staff. I take great joy in   Your Prosperity," which   the basics of investing and
        could embark on a career   helping all of them prepare   teaches attendees to see   financial planning.
        as a structural engineer.    for their future and helping   their financial goals, both   Have three buckets of
        At USD she was studying    them reach their financial   immediate and long-term,   investments- The first
        economics and was offered   goals.  I get a lot of joy help-  then set the plan to attain   bucket is your emergency

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