Page 27 - Sarita Maybin
P. 27

What I Really Want Is................

                                                         By Debbie Storms
         reserve, the second is for
         your 7-10 year goals, and
         the third one is for your
         retirement.  Try to fill          APPINESS IS UNDER-     time later. Take advantage of   You do not have to make it
         all of those buckets. So,     Hstood by most of the      all the sales in the next few   the season of obligations.
         the first bucket is for that   world’s population. Our   months to keep track of your   It can be easy to just go
         potential car repair emer-     most basic instinct is the   must-dos and free up space   crazy and buy something
         gency, the second might        search for happiness. The   in your head to think of   for everyone you know. Be
         be for the house or boat       holidays are a magical time,   things you enjoy doing .  completely honest with
         you want to buy or trip        but they become filled with   Happiness is about    yourself about what you
         you have dreamed of tak-       stress. We want the gifts of   taking care of yourself.   can afford to spend. Create
         ing, and the third bucket      joy, love and compassion for   Don’t shortchange yourself   your gift giving list after you
         would be for your long-        ourselves and others. Hap-  of precious sleep and with   know how much you have
         term retirement savings        piness will elude you if you   all the rushing around, the   to spend and shop wisely.
          Be wary of promises           don’t remember, happiness   first thing that many of us   Don’t stress finding a special
         of high returns- As the        is an inside job.         let slide is exercise. Look for   gift for the hard-to-please,
         saying goes, "If it looks too     Forget how you think   gaps in your schedule and   consider making a charita-
         good to be true, it proba-     the holidays should be. Keep   take a walk. Take a break and   ble donation in her or his
         bly is." So be happy with      an open mind and celebrate   meditate or catch a nap. The   name. In most cases the
         consistent smaller returns,    your traditions in a won-  benefit is for a good reason:   charity sends a holiday card
         which don't put your life      derful way. As your family   you will boost your alertness   to the person letting them
         savings at risk.  If you       and friends change create   and productively. Always   know of your contribution.
         want to gamble with some       new traditions which have   make things fun, after all,   With a few sanity saving tips,
         "cocktail stocks" make sure    more meaning and bring    you owe it to yourself.   you’ll be happy and bright
         you do so with money that      you happiness. Forget about   Over the holidays it is   this holiday season and into
         you can afford to lose.        how the holidays should be.   easy to feel like “I have to do   the New Year.
          When all is said and          Create your own brand!    it all!” Tis the season to ask   Festive is defined as
         done the most important           Prioritizing is a great   for help. Distribute the hol-  having or producing happy
         thing is knowledge and         way to stay balanced.     iday tasks: you’ll keep your   and enjoyable feelings suit-
         consistency when it comes      Matching your efforts with   sanity and people around   able for a special occasion.
         to financial health. Dea-      the amount of time you have   you will get in the mood to   Let’s keep in the spirit of the
         na adds a final thought        will alleviate stress from your   celebrate.        holidays and share feelings
         "Many people spend             life. The value of a checklist   Remember the holidays   of pleasure and happiness.
         more time planning for a       is the first gift to yourself.   are a festive time, full of ex-  Wishing you a happy and
         vacation then they do for      The tech world has given   citement, parties and events.  sane holiday! That is what I
         their retirement. This is an   us a zillion gadgets to make   Know when to say, “no.”    really want....
         issue that needs to change.    organizing our lives simpler.   Think about your time, emo-  Let me know what you
         People have to realize how     Make your entries complete   tional energy, and financial   have in mind. dstorms88@
         important it is to be pre-     the first time and you’ll save   output and choose wisely.
         pared for a time when they
         no longer can, or want to
         work. The thing to always
         keep in mind is that ‘There
         is no time like the present
         to plan for the future.'"

        If you would like to find
        out more information visit
        Deana's site at

        To make an appointment or
        speak directly with Deana
        email her at
        or call her at 858 756 1566.

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