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                                                   I Don’t Want to Grow Up…

                                                                         or Do I?

                                                                       By Judith A. Habert

                                                    I’ve made a decision.  Being a   though mine were brownish green).
                                                  grownup sucks.  I've been one now   Then, of course, the older folks
                                                  for forty years, but like everything   loved to call me "Judy, Judy,Judy”
                                                  else in life, you kind of get used to   after the classic Cary Grant line, but
                                                  horrendous treatment by those    my favorite was Joopy, by my close
             What Can I                           around you and you don't even    friend Claire, who I was kidnapped
                                                                                   with, but that’s an entirely different
                                                  realize how bad the treatment is until
          Possibly Say?                           you get a glimpse into how it used to   story.  She called me Joop or Joopy
                                                  be.  It is a very little person who was
                                                                                   for years and one year presented me
                                                  the catalyst to my newest revelation,   with a bottle of perfume. I thought
           We were strangers when we              my nine-month-old granddaughter   I would fall on the floor when it said
        were brought together to work on          Adelaide Francesca (Addy for short).   Joop as the name of it on the label.
        a new project, starting a Women's                                          It didn’t belong to me it was just a
        Magazine in San Diego.  It only                                            silly coincidence. But now that I think
        took a few short meetings, and                                             about it,  there were some nicknames
        we became fast friends, then best                                          early on, some of them not very nice.
        friends and confidants.  We have                                           As a chubby little girl I was victim
        remained so for over ten years. We                                         to a sir name that made me an easy
        have been through life changes,                                            target for those super mean middle
        new babies, new homes, three am                                            school boys, and yes, you guessed
        deadlines, illnesses, heartbreak,                                          it, a certain classmate, whose name
        losses, happy hours and some very                                          I remember more than four decades
        sad tears.  Through it all, we have                                        later. His name was Richard Lang, and
        remained best friends.                                                     he started the chorus one year at the
           As sad as I am to see my Best                                           beginning of the school year and yes
        Friend Sonali Soni move on from                                            forever more in middle school I was
        her position as Art Director with                                          known as "Judy Fatty Patti." Wait, did I
        San Diego Woman Magazine, I                                                say I didn't want to grow up? Damn, I
        cannot help but stand up and cheer                                         take that back. That was several years
        for the wonderful accomplishment.                                          of pure hell. At this age, people may
        Sonali has recently opened her own
        studio. Sonali is finally able to cele-                                    think mean things, but they have
        brate her talent and shine the light      That’s probably the first plus to being   sense enough to talk behind your
        on the beautiful being that I have        an infant, cute nicknames.  No one   back and not say it to your face.
        had the pleasure of relying on for        recently has come up to me and      Okay, maybe what I want is to go
        bringing beauty to the pages of San       crowned me with an adorable new   back in time to those preschool years,
        Diego Woman Magazine for the              nickname. I was Judy growing up,   when everyone wants to hold you,
        past ten years. Thank you Sonali, I       Judith as I grew up, Judith Ann Jac-  smile at you and tell the grown-ups
        am forever grateful to have you in        queline Patti when I was summoned   around you how cute you are. Yeah,
        my life and call you my friend.           for doing something wrong around   that would work, or maybe I will just
           You Go Girl!!!                         the house.  I had a few nicknames   take solace in the fact that I survived
                                                  presented to me as a child, one was   those horrible years and now just en-
        Check out Sonali’s new studio at          Judy in the Sky with Diamonds due to   joy being grandma to a little girl who
        http://www.sonalidesignstudio.            the Famous Beatles song and let's   I am told is really cute, and I couldn't
        com/studios.html                          not forget, Judy Blue Eyes, thanks to   agree more.
        Call for more information or to           Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young (even
        register for a class at 858 354 5365

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