Page 34 - Sarita Maybin
P. 34

Incredible Kids of San Diego

            MANDA WHITE IS 14          Amanda is like my big   ever since.  At first, I leased a   Amanda’s trainer Ann was
        Ayears old, a freshman at   sister she's very smart, and she   horse for a year; named Festival  definitely correct, after selecting
        Canyon Crest Academy and my  keeps her horse at the same   Sundance, Sunny where we   her new horse, Qua-Drangle,
        friend.  She is a member of the   barn where I keep my horse.   competed in Hunt Seat Equita-  Cody, Amanda won her first
        Equestrian Club at school and   Amanda has many talents, she   tion and Pleasure and Classic   Morgan World Championship.
        participates in the United States  is the fitting and showmanship   Pleasure Driving at the Morgan   They went on to win many local
        Equestrian Federation (USEF)   world champion, which is   Grand National and World   and regional championships
        High School Equestrian Athlete  when a handler and their horse   Championships. Even though   in Hunt Seat Equitation and
        Lettering Program.  Amanda   perform patterns in unison in   Sunny and I did well, Ann, said   Pleasure and Western Pleasure.
        lives in Carmel Valley with her   front of a judge and the judge   that I would need a different   And, Amanda was fourth in
                                                                                          the Grand National and World
                                                                                          Championship Junior Judging
                                   Amanda White,                                          competition.”
                                                                                             One of the things I like
                                                                                          most about Amanda is that no
                                                                                          matter how many champion-
                                                 Equestrian                               ships or awards she wins she
                                                                                          still tells me that one of her
                                                                                          favorite things is to work at
                                     Written by Nini Hodge and Amanda White               the same camp where she first
                                                Photos Courtesy of Amanda White           learned to ride. Amanda shares,
                                                                                          “I enjoy teaching new riders. I
                                   bases her or his decision on   horse to compete as I advanced   really like when campers who I
                                   how well the horse and handler   to the next division of compe-  worked with in summer camp
                                   were in sync with each other.   tition.  I was sad not to be able   move on to take more lessons
                                       Aside from being a talent-  to ride Sunny in competitions   at Miller Equestrian.  It is fun
        mother, Sarah, and her dad,   ed Equestrian Amanda gets   anymore, but I knew she was   to share my love of riding with
        Peter, lives in Clairemont.  top-notch grades in school and   right."             advancing riders.  I also like
           Amanda started riding at   has several other interests, one   For those of you who   participating in the school
        age 8 through the Ecke YMCA   which is a love of cooking.  She   might be thinking, what is a   visits where we bring one of the
        camp. The Ecke YMCA has    has taken quite a few cooking   Morgan Horse, it is a breed   horses and teach students about
        their camp at Miller Equestrian   classes over the last couple of   of saddle horses with very   horses and riding. My goal for
        and has a great program for   years.  Amanda also belongs   special characteristics. The   this year is to strengthen my
        new riders. After her first camp,  to FFA which is future farm-  Morgan is a strong horse that   relationship with my horse, im-
        she was hooked and convinced   ers of America, and she takes   can run at fast speeds. It can   prove my riding technique, and
        her Mom to sign her up for   agriculture classes. Her hopes   also go long distances without   win the Hunt Seat Equitation
        other Ecke YMCA camps later   are to one day become a large   getting tired. The Morgan is   World Championship for 14
        that summer.               animal vet.                considered a good-natured   and 15-year-olds. Eventually, I
           With camp lessons behind    Amanda’s interest in riding   animal. It is usually good with   hope to take my knowledge of
        her, she moved up to private   has been growing over the   children and has a kind and   horses and become an equine
        and group lessons. Amanda   years, “Initially I learned how   willing disposition.  veterinarian."
        has told me, "I really appreciate  to ride Saddleseat.  In my first
        all the driving my Mom does   few horse shows, I competed in
        to shuttle me from Carmel   Saddleseat as an Academy Rid-
        Valley to Escondido and back;   er. About the time, my mother
        sometimes up to a hundred   was going to buy me a saddle
        miles a day and up to 7 days   and other tack as part of the
        per week. Because I spend a   process of an advancing rider,
        lot of time in the car, I do a   she said, ‘the minute I buy this
        lot of homework on the drives   saddle, you are going to want to
        and having a Hot Spot helps.    switch to Hunt Seat.' My trainer
        I tried out a few other barns   Ann thought that might not be
        closer to home but always   a bad idea so at my next lesson
        returned to Miller Equestrian   I tried riding Hunt Seat. Some-
        because this is where I feel at   thing about it just clicked, and
        home."                     I have been riding Hunt Seat

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