Page 36 - Sarita Maybin
P. 36

I’ve Been Good Gift Guide

           aGreatLife Toys                   make beautiful    worth of ideas
                                             music so easily.    into one ultra-por-
           Toys that Bring   est quality and   This is but one of   table game that
           Families Together  are meant to be   their wonderful   is challenging
              Becoming a    passed on down   items.            and will keep the
           Grandmother for   from sibling to    They make      user occupied for
           the first time I   sibling.  They will   beautiful kites, the   hours.
           have enjoyed ev-  definitely stand   colors are bright   The mis-
           ery moment spent   the test of time.    and stay that way.    sion statement
           with my grand-   My favorite item   Their slingshots   of aGreatLife
           daughter.  When I   was the xylo-  are beautifully   impressed me as
           was sent samples   phone which my   carved, hand-   well.   “aGreatLife
           of some of the   granddaughter    made with love.    toys are designed
           items from this   loves and looks   They are classic   to combine learn-
           great company I   for every time   Y-shaped bear    ing with fun. From
                                             slingshots with a  Rainbow kites to
                                             comfortable grip,  classic wooden   ted to enhance the   These toys
                                             an essential part of  toys like the Xy-  quality of life by   promote family
                                             a good slingshot.  lophone and the   providing beau-  togetherness, un-
                                             They also includ-  Wooden Abacus,   tiful and useful   like the electronic
                                             ed wooden wolf    to the mind-bog-  premium products   gadgets that our
                                             whistles, which are  gling Speed Cube,   and to help fami-  kids have their
                                             also hand carved  aGreatLife wants   lies create strong   faces buried in all
                                             from solid wood   to provide children   and priceless   the time.
                                             and hand painted  with toys that will   memories togeth-  What is the
                                             making them a joy  stimulate their   er. Indeed, it’s a   best part of
                                             to use or display.  imagination and   better life with   aGreatLife is that
                                                Let’s not forget   senses, learn more   aGreatLife!”  I will   the “Toys” are
                                             their large array of   about the world   also add that they   as much for the
                                             Rubik cube type   around them and   ensure their toys   grown-up kids as
                                             puzzles including   help them interact   with a 100% mon-  they are for the
                                             one crowned the   with others espe-  ey back guarantee   under 16 crowd.
           was truly amazed   she comes to my   Rubik’s Cube on   cially with their   if for any reason   Take a look at
           by the quality of   home.  Even at her   steroids,’ It is a 3D   parents, siblings,   you are not happy   their site at
           what I received.    young age, she   pyramid puzzle   and friends.   with a product   https://agreat-
           The wooden toys   is amused by the   incorporating   aGreatLife is   that you purchase
           are of the high-  fact that she can   a generation’s   strongly commit-  from them.

           SLEEPOVER        out with a way to   source of joy for   general fools of
           PARTY GAME       guarantee that our  your daughter.  It   themselves.  They
                            little girls won’t fall  has 200 choices   get to be silly
              We all remem-  asleep, which may   of fun things to   and have loads of
           ber those fun    not make us Moms  do during her   laughs.
           days of our youth   happy, but let’s   sleepover.  All her   After the party,
           having sleepover   face it, we were   friends need to do   all they will be
           parties with our   young once too,   is spin the spinner,  doing is talking
           girlfriends.  We   and we know how   and they will then   about how much
           were always      much fun it was   have to attempt   fun they had and
           searching for fun   to let everyone   to complete one   you, mom, will be
           things to do to   know you made it   of over 200 Act it,   the hero for giving
           make sure that we   through the whole  Work it, or Party   them this amazing
           didn’t wimp out   night.          Challenges.  This   game.
           and fall asleep.    SLEEPOVER     game allows the
           Well, Endless    PARTY GAME       girls to sing, laugh,         So go online to
           Games has come   will be a great   perform and make             and order SLEEPOVER PARTY GAME  today.

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