Page 37 - Sarita Maybin
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                  Fearless by Kerri Walker                                          Gabriella’s Law

                                                                                           by Angelique
                             Review by Carol Heath
                                                                                     Review by Judith A. Habert

              Fearless is a no   of money and she   week you want to            If you had the     when she makes
              holds barred,      didn’t want to wait   work, where you          ability to grant all   acquaintances with
              unapologetic, part   years before her   want to work, how         the people you love   some of the colorful
              memoir, part guide   return to those   you want to work,          their every desire,   locals, who quickly
              on how to suc-     beautiful alps.   sounds pretty good           would you? Even if   share their secrets
              ceed as an exotic     So, like any   doesn't it? All you          it meant you would   with an inquisitive
              dancer written     other red-blooded   have to do is decide       have to give up    Gabriella.
                                 American girl, she   you have a great                                When rela-
                                 moved in with her   body, find a local                            tionships heat up
                                 parents and began   strip joint, walk in                          Gabriella is forced
                                 a google search on   and dance, easy as                           to make one very
                                 high paying jobs for   that. Oh, I forgot to                      difficult choice.  As
                                 28-year-old women   tell you, along with                          the reader, you can’t
                                 with "babysitting"   dancing you have                             turn the pages fast
                                 on their resume.   to take off your                               enough, anticipat-
                                 And the rest of the   clothes, at least                           ing what Gabriella’s
                                 story is history,   most of them.                                 ultimate decision
                                 Kerri’s history as an   Fearless is a                             will be.
                                 exotic dancer. She   fun and interesting                             The writing is
                                 walks the reader   read and one that                              fresh, conversation-
                                 through the steps   gives you an inside                           al, and fast paced
                                 you should take to   look at the daily life                       which makes the
                                 become a success-  of an exotic dancer                            reader want to read
              by Kerri Walker.   ful exotic dancer.   and doesn't just          your life? A choice   on and on.  The
              Kerri recounts her   She should know,   focus on the lurid        you would have to   only moment of
              journey from the   she managed to    side of the profes-          make, but is it your   disappointment is
              first day she walked   save $100,000,00   sion. Pick up a copy    choice?            when you realize
              into a New Jersey   in three years to   today; it will broad-         There are few   the story is over.
              strip joint through   realize her dream   en your horizons.       books which have   Thank goodness
              nights working in   of returning to the   Fearless is             actually kept me up   this breakout
              New York night-    alps once again.  available at all             at night, Gabriella’s   author has more
              clubs.                If you ever    online outlets               Law was one of     surprises waiting
                  After college   thought of what it   Fearless! An             them.  From the    for you with the
              Kerri took a job   would be like to be   Exotic Dancer's          very first page,   sequels to this
              in Europe as an au   an exotic dancer,   Guide to Personal        until the very last,   amazing book.  All
              pair or as she puts   this book not only   and Professional       I found myself     I can say is Keep
              it, glorified babysit-  walks you through   Success               spellbound.  I could   them coming!
              ter. She spent a   each step, but it    Released:                 not put this book     If you are
              year exploring the   does so in detail.   August 2017             down.              looking for a great
              French Alps and    Fearless can be   ISBN-10:                         Set in a colorful  book, with a fresh
              fell in love with the   used as a guide   1548794899              and historical     twist, get a copy
              laid-back lifestyle.    to the step-by-  ISBN-13: 978-            backdrop, the      of this soon to be
              Kerri vowed she    step approach to   1548794897                  author brings      Bestseller, Gabriel-
              would return to live  becoming a very                             New Orleans so     la’s Law.
              and speak French   well paid exotic                               alive through her     To order a
              like a Frenchman   dancer. Consider                               descriptions that   copy today visit
              rather than a girl   this, if you will, you                       you can almost     the author’s site
              from Jersey. But   can pick the days                              taste the beignets.   at www.angeli-
              how? She knew it   you want to work,                              Things get even    quethesagesoul.
              would take a lot   how many hours a                               more intriguing    com

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