Page 35 - Sarita Maybin
P. 35

I’ve Been Good Gift Guide

           Max Traxxx       duggery patented   You child will be
           Tracer Racer     Glow-in-the-Dark   the envy of the
                            track. Each Tracer   neighborhood if
             This is a gift   Racer beams    this is under the
           that will keep your   down purple   Christmas tree this
           kids busy for hours  light rays from   year.
           on end.  They will   its undercarriage   What makes it
           love Max Traxxx   onto track specially  more enjoyable is
           Tracer Racer! These  engineered to emit  its versatility.  They
           racers utilize Light   glow remnants   can choose their
           Trail Technology as  long after the   track, racers and
           they blaze streaks   racer has passed.   loops, then take
           of light on Skull-  How cool is that!    into a dimly lit
                                             room and set the
                                             darkness ablaze.
                                             These racing sets
                                             are perfect for both
                                             beginning and ad-
                                             vanced race fans.    track heights allow  Set includes one   Us and
                                             They come with   racers to control   Tracer Racers, RC More in-
                                             variable speed   course difficulty.   Car and one Con-  formation: www.
                                             remote control   Four Tracer Racers   troller. Available   skullduggery.
                                             cars and adjustable   RC Cars available.   at Amazon, Toys R  com/.

           Sparkle * Kitty  that what makes                   genders. With
                            us different makes                ten princesses in
              We all know   us stronger! This is              every box, if your
           how popular      a great concept to                princess is the first
           board and card   teach our children.               to escape you win
           games are, and   Nobody puts                       the game.
           as parents, this is   princess in a tower!            The game
           especially great   This is a game that             begins with the
           news because less   is full of fun and             premise that a
           screen time + real   imagination for 3-8  over 60 magical   group of powerful
           human interaction   players ages 6+.  words to cast silly   princesses was
           + loads of fun = a  You are a     spell combinations  captured and
           win for all!  In addi-  princess trapped in  in this fast-paced   locked away in a   into special spell
           tion, Sparkle*Kitty  a tower, but you’re   adorable and fun   tower by Queen   combinations. This
           embraces individ-  going to break   social game for all   Sparkle*Kitty!   game will occupy
           uality and believes  yourself out! Match  ages, sizes, and   When this hap-  your children for
                                                              pened, all their   hours trying to win
                                                              words and magic   the game and set
                                                              spells vanished   their princess free.
                                                              and became sugar   The best part is
                                                              & spice and almost   that you won’t find
                                                              everything nice.   your kids with their
                                                              Luckily these are   faces buried in an
                                                              no ordinary prin-  electronic gadget.
                                                              cesses, and YOU   Go to https://
                                                              are no ordinary   breakinggames.
                                                              players!          com/products/
                                                                 Players get to   sparkle-kitty to
                                                              take matters into   order this great
                                                              their own hands,   new game.
                                                              harness the simple
                                                              and sweet words

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