Page 38 - Sarita Maybin
P. 38

Poetry Corner

        The Da Nang Gang                                    October, the official month

        By Gerald M. Neff                                   By Gerald M. Neff

        We all went over to make the world safe for democracy,  However, the other eleven months are just as bad
        Mom's apple pie and of course the American Flag     we have all been touch by this death ray
        both male and female fought hard                    of a disease that our friends and many relatives have had.
        and even those in drag
                                                            The sad and long dragging torture of,
        Some were chosen by a letter from their friends and neighbors  will they, or won’t they, chemo or radiation
        and never did stop,                                 but in the end, it usually gets them
        for all began at the very very top.                 and sometimes the second time around again.
        Lots of bloody money to finance those fourteen-long-years
        that mostly ended in tears.                         Walk or run for the cure, to pay for studies and expensive
        Although not a war, it killed just the same         and we pay rather we win or not
        over 100,000 dead                                   The investigations on this particular malady are still not going well
        and many more maimed.                               so, please join the fight and wear a pink bow on your lapel.

        These close fellowship, buddies, and friends        For let us beat this pestilence for once and for all
        all excited or even afraid                          we can't let cancer win,
        of how their tour of duty finally ends.             so, let’s fight for more than a draw.

        This verse could tell of many a green jungle horror  Let’s make this evil presence past history,
        and more differences but similar situations         push together, so that it takes the final fall
        with beginnings, middle, and ends;                  For this, October is the official Breast Cancer Month for us all.
        but, it is long ago,
        and the pain is diminishing for we present,
        but for some it is all over.

        I now believe those most hurting and suffering
        are the wives, family and sweethearts
        who in doubt must wait
        than those young men who quickly met their fate.

        In my mind's eye,
        I can still see a half ruined Buddhist temple
        and barely hear a brass bell clang
        as I meet of what's left of that valiant gang.

        Good booze and bad women
        or is it the other way around
        for few of my friends are here to be found
        most thoughts are in the present
        and memories also we discuss;
        for that's all that's left...  besides us.

        So raise your glasses high
        for we present and those brave men and women passed
        and hope that we can last a bit more time
        for that lost bell that so fatefully rang,
        for those still left  of
        The Da Nang Gang.

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