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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

                                              Dr. Katherine Ludington,

                                                   CARD I O L O GIS T ,

                                            Gets To The Heart Of The Matter

                                                                 By Janice Carter Booth

                                            He took Katherine under his wing,    rule, and Katherine’s mother, Nancy,
                                            sharing all his knowledge with her.   was a family doctor, who made house
                                            Katherine was utterly fascinated by all  calls. The government told her mom
                                            the intricacies of the heart; therefore   that she had to come to work in the
                                            having a change of heart, she went   State Hospital, and if she didn’t her
                                            from Pediatrics to Cardiology.       children, Ingrid, four, and Katherine,
                                                In 2000, Katherine finished      nine, would no longer be allowed to
                                            her residency at Stanford Hospital,   attend school. It became clear to her
                                            moving that same year to San Diego   parents that this could not happen.
                       Photo by Deanna Haala  with a new addition to the family,   Nancy and Joseph packed a couple
                                            three week old, lovely baby Sarah,   of bags, and with just the clothes on
            R. KATHERINE LUDINGTON,         (who by the way only 17, started at   their back, declared they were going
        Dnot only gets to the heart of the   Stanford just this fall). On a personal   on a vacation. Of course, they were
        matter, but does it with kindness,   note, I had the pleasure of speaking   not allowed to go to just any coun-
        caring, superb knowledge, and un-   with Sarah when she was helping out   try; they could only visit Communist
        derstanding. Escaping Hungary with   at her mother’s office, and when her   countries. So, they went to Czecho-
        her family at nine years of age gave   Mom came up in conversation, she   slovakia and Poland. Then some-
        her a truly unique perspective on life.   said to me. “My Mom is my Hero!”   where along this so-called ‘vacation’
        A complete realization on just how   I could feel tears well up in my eyes,
        fragile and at the same time resilient   because what teenage daughter, in a   Photo Courtesy of Dr. Ludington
        we humans can be in dire situations.  very sincere reverent way, says this
           Dr. Ludington has quite a lengthy   about her Mom?
        list of degrees. In 1993 she gradu-     In 2003, Dr. Ludington started
        ated from Stanford University with   Fellowship Training in Cardiology at
        Honors in Biology and Psychology.   UCSD. Then finished her Fellowship
        While she was at Stanford, she met a   Training in Cardiovascular Diseases,
        wonderful man, who was a student    with Honors, at UCSF. Immediately
        there as well. When attending UC    after, she began working at Scripps
        San Francisco, Greg not only moved   Green Hospital as a full-time Cardi-
        with Katherine but supported her    ologist until 2007, when she started
        in all ways, even financially, during   her own practice in Encinitas, called
        this very difficult time of medical   North Coast Cardiology. Her prac-
        training. In 1997 she graduated from   tice has grown so much over the past
        UCSF medical school and married     ten years; she has not only taken
        her extraordinary, supportive man,   on another female Cardiologist but
        Greg.                               also, expanded to a second office in
           During her stint at UCSF, she    Oceanside.
        shared with me how she met a won-       Now for the story of Katherine’s
        derful, compassionate, old fashion,   family fleeing from Hungary. In 1980,
        Cardiologist, John Hutchinson.      Hungary was still under Communist

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