Page 46 - Sarita Maybin
P. 46

Fabulous Finds

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        1. The Happiness Machine            with this and its simple to use mask, a   mium online shopping experience and
           By Gerald M. Neff                new world will open up for you and your  make it easy for consumers to ensure
           Do you remember waking -up sev-  wife and the family.                 fresh vegetables are available in their
        eral times every night short of breath   Three hours of sleep with this   homes at all times. It’s available in select
        and gasping with a dry mouth and    apparatus is like 5-6 normal hours of   Western states, including all of Nevada,
        that is not even including the terrible   good, sane sleep, and as mentioned no   Arizona, Idaho, Utah; most of California
        chainsaw sound of your own snoring?    more frightening sounds to alienate   and parts of Oregon, Wyoming, Colora-
        When talking with friends and your   your partner.  Without going into all of   do, New Mexico and Texas.
        wife, you will realize that you just might   the health hazards that sleep apnea can   With, shop-
        have ‘sleep apnea.’ Sleep Apnea is a   lead to heart arrest, divorce, and more.   pers can enjoy easy and delicious ways
        common breathing disorder in which   You must react and take this warning   to include vegetables at every meal. I
        you have one or more pauses in your   seriously.                         have to say the ordering was seamless,
        breathing, or very shortened breaths   Doctors and my fellow Phillips    the delivery was seamless, but what re-
        while sleeping. Breath pauses can last   CPAP Respironics machine users highly   ally sold me on this delivery service over
        from a few seconds to minutes including  recommend this for your own personal   the ‘big guys’ delivery service were two
        your waking-up several times an hour,   health and happiness, and remember    very important elements.  First, every-
        then start again with a loud snort or a   ‘your life could very well depend on   thing on the order form was healthy and
        choking sound, and can lead to danger-  your quick action.’              guilt free.  It is way too tempting to or-
        ous results.                           Breathing Phillips Respironics is   der all of those high-calorie items when
           The Veterans Affairs Administration   Breathing Life !!!              you know there will be no one looking
        and 99% of insurance companies will                                      in your cart while you stand online at
        recommend and reimburse for the 24-  2. Eat Smart At Home                the checkout.
        hour test which inevitably results in the   Just when we were all marveling at  The second thing and the most
        positive diagnosis of sleep apnea.   how easy a certain ‘big company,’ has   impressive one to me was that the fresh
           My test showed that I woke up 57-60   made grocery shopping, by allowing   vegetables stayed fresher in my refrig-
        times per hour always sleepy and with   us to go online and order our groceries   erator than ANY other fresh vegetables
        low energy, and almost without a loving   while sitting in the comfort of our living   I have purchased either online, at the
        companion.                          rooms, along comes a not so big com-  local grocery store or even at the farm-
           The Phillips Respironics Machine is   pany, with what I view as a very big and   er’s market.  Eat Fresh advertises that
        the marvelous solution for this serious   even better idea.              they use Apio’s patented BreatheWay®
        problem. After your test confirmation,   Eat Smart, a leading producer of   packaging technology, which delivers
        you will be fitted and instructed on the   fresh-cut vegetables and chef-inspired   extreme freshness and extended shelf
        use of a sleep CPAP machine. In just a   salad kits, recently launched an online   life. This is the most honest statement
        few days you will see an amazing differ-  home delivery service: EatSmartatHome.  I have ever seen.  I was amazed when
        ence; even after the first night with your   com.                        I discovered a bag of veggies that had
        new Phillips machine no more snoring,   The new service offers Eat Smart veg-  been pushed to the back of my refriger-
        and after several hours of proper sleep   etable bags, trays, and salads in a pre-  ator weeks after my delivery, and they

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