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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

        Pathways Academy Charter School                                          ciously so, to her being a mother first,
                                                                                 and a Program Lead at Pathways.
                                                                                    Carol is truly dedicated to the chil-
         WHERE CHILDREN COME FIRST                                               dren; she makes sure she greets every
                                                                                 child, by name as they come through the
                     Story & Photo by Janice Carter-Booth                        door. She also takes care of any pending
                                                                                 questions or concerns from parents as
                                                                                 the children go to class. Her multi-task-
                                                                                 ing ability is uncanny. I do not think I’ve
             HEN THE DOORS OPENED           motto is ‘Kids First, then everything else   ever seen her without a warm smile of
        Win 2014 for Pathways Academy,      will follow.’ Each family sits down with   welcome for every one of 180 students
        Carol McIntosh, who never dreamed   a credentialed teacher to map out lesson   through the years. I can truly vouch for
        of running a school, was doing just   plans, choosing the curriculum to fit the   this incredible lady, and her sincere and
        that. After one charter school split, and  student and their learning style.  Carol   on top of things approach because five of
        another closed, none having the same   explained that there are three learning   my grandchildren are going to Pathways
        vision, Carol, a teacher of 24 years,   styles. One being kinesthetic, which   now. Two whom had struggled in public
        was forced to rethink her options.   means hands-on, and more mobility. Of-  school. Seemingly these issues couldn’t
        Starting a public charter -homeschool   ten these children learn through songs   be resolved. Kiri is smart, but a hands-
        seemed insurmountable, but with such  and movement, (acting) for instance.   on type of girl, who was hard pressed
        encouragement, support, and more    Also, there is the visual learner, and then   being in classrooms with 30 plus kids.
        than a bit of a nudge from her, hus-  the auditory learner, learning through   For Oliver the teachers he studied under
        band, David, she ventured forth into   hearing the information. Families also   weren’t following the very important,
        uncharted waters. Low and behold up   get educational funds to attend optional   motto “Kids First.”
        sprang this wonderful learning center,   enrichment classes. For instance, this   In conclusion, if there were more
        Pathways Academy.                   year Pathways offers technology, art,   people like Carol in the world, not only
                                            acting, music, robotics, foreign lan-  would it be a kinder, and more gracious
                                            guage, science labs and some higher   place, but children would have bigger
                                            math classes, on site. Other funds go for   smiles while opening their minds to all
                                            curriculum, tutoring, field trips, and off-  the possibilities, they never imagined
                                            site vendors. The on-site classes are on   existed, and at their fingertips, no less!
                                            Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.         If you want a great educational
                                                Carol said, “Our whole staff is con-  experience for your children or grand-
                                            tinuing to grow and learn about differ-  children, check out Pathways’ website.
                                            ent types of curriculum and different
                                            homeschool models.”                  Pathways phone number, also Carol’s
                                                Now for a little about the lady, that   cell is 920 277 6743.
                                            made all this possible! She was born
                                            and raised in Wisconsin, she told me,
                                            she loves butter, and cheese and actually
                                            thinks they are a food group. She is a
           Pathways Academy started with just   die-hard Green Bay Packers fan, besides.
        70 kids and three teachers. Now they   When she finds the time from working
        have 180 students, eight teachers, and an  as Program Lead for Pathways, Carol’s
        intern. It is TK- 12th with the possibil-  loves to go swimming, scuba diving, and
        ity for middle school, and High School   cooking her favorite foods.
        age children to go to Palomar College   Carol has two teaching credentials,
        concurrently. Educational funds for   one from UCSD, for California, and one
        college texts are available for those grade  from Wisconsin. She homeschooled her
        students. In fact, a student at Pathways,   own three children, now 23, 24, and 26,
        was the youngest ever, just 13, to gradu-  until her oldest reached the 4th grade.
        ate from Palomar College! Claire Lewis   For a lot of years, Carol was a single
        graduated from High School at Path-  parent, so it wasn’t just smooth sailing,
        ways and from Palomar College with her  while the kids were growing. Then,
        AA,  this past June. Finding this out was   sometime later, something wonderful
        a real “Wow,” moment to me!         and unexpected happened to Carol, She
           Pathways conducts its classes across   met “a most delightful man,” her words,
        from San Marcos State University. Their   who has taken a back seat, but most gra-

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