Page 53 - Sarita Maybin
P. 53

Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

        October the result of a faulty   distractions just disappear.    hike at 74 years old when he
        trigger.                      Having ADHD, I am constant-   was caught in a freak April
           The story of my life - cra-  ly bombarded with multiple   snow storm.
        zy unique things happening    thoughts and ideas at any given   I desire to take the overall
        that just seem to add to my   time, but when I am going     record for the paced bicycle
        life. Even with all the “distrac-  147mph, my mind can’t be   land speed record in 2018 by
        tions” from my training, I am   anywhere else but in the mo-  going at least 170mph. Once
        in shape and on track with my   ment, which is such a beautiful  I have accomplished this, it
        training, so our sights are set   experience since it is so rare to  is my goal to do inspirational
        for September 2018.           be 100% in the moment. The    public speaking about getting
           And my amazing family is
        on board. My eldest son, Jona-
        than Boever is finishing up his
        businesses degree with plans
        to take over the family busi-
        ness as the 3rd generation. My
        middle son, Michael Boever,
        moved to South Dakota where
        his father’s family is located.
        My youngest son, Daniel Boev-
        er, just graduated high school
        and is starting his own online
           Some of my other hobbies
        are racing cars. I have raced in
        about 23 car races since 2011
        in a Junker car series called
        The 24 Hours of LeMons (a
        spoof on the 24 hours of Le-
        Mans), riding off-road motor-
        cycles, and shooting in local   faster I went, the slower things   back into the game of life. I had
        firearms competitions.        were. It was Nirvana. I could   the amazing ability to come
           I have always been an      not wait to get another run to   back and do crazy amazing
        adrenaline junkie and enjoyed   experience that rush and peace  feats by setting goals.
        going fast. There is a special   again.                         There are so many people
        “nirvana” I experience when I    I also explain that my “her-  out there that once they settle
        am going fast or doing some-  itage” runs deep with both my   into the routine of family and
        thing that requires all my effort  parents being a bit out of the   career, they set aside setting
        and attention. Many athletes   normal mold as my examples   goals for themselves. I was
        talk about the “zone” when    in life.  My Mom used to race   there, and then I set a goal in
        they are doing what they love.   powder puff demolition cars in  2009 to run a marathon. And
        I experienced this calm and   the late 1960’s and celebrated   before I knew it, I was getting
        peaceful moment when I was    her 80th birthday by skydiving  back on the bike. I got out of
        drafting behind the Range     for the first time! My Dad rode  the rut and back on track by
        Rover for the record in 2016.   his bicycle around the outer   getting healthy and achieving
        The faster we went, the slower   perimeter of the United States,   dreams! I want to inspire oth-
        everything seemed to be.      12,100 miles in 9 ½ months    ers to get back into the game of
           When there is a life or    in his 70th year!  Ironically he   life. You just don’t know where
        death situation, all other    passed away during a 22-mile   it can lead you!

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