Page 56 - Sarita Maybin
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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

                                                                                          have three beautiful daugh-
                                     Melissa Tucci                                        to study and take the test to
                                                                                          ters. Melissa also found time
                                                                                          become a broker.  Being a

                                    OFFICIAL REALTOR                                      female broker is not unheard
                                                                                          of, but it is certainly rare, but
                                                                                          then again so is Melissa. Her
                                                                                          thoughts: she could better
                                     OF THE SAN DIEGO PADRES                              service all her clients with
                                                                                          their transactions of buy-
                                                                                          ing and selling if she was a
                                                  By Carol Heath                          broker. So, she accepted yet
                                                                                          another challenge and got
                                                                                          her broker’s license.
                                                Photo Courtesy of Melissa Tucci              Melissa has so much to
                                                                                          offer her clients; however, she
                                                                                          believes that being a techy
          UYING A HOME IS MOST     was in sales, a tough business   gained their trust by being   and knowing about social
       Blikely the biggest pur-    that required hard work and   available 24/7. In fact, if you   media has helped her achieve
        chase you will ever make.   dedication to be successful.   were to ask one of her clients,   the goals she has set for her-
        Before you buy a car, you   Melissa’s parents, by example,   they would relay they felt   self. Melissa is always a stu-
        will probably spend hours   instilled in her that with hard   like they were the only client   dent and continues to learn
        investigating including trips   work and dedication, your   Melissa had.          anything and everything
        to car lots, searches on the   aspirations are attainable.   Melissa’s plan went be-  about real estate. She is con-
        internet and even driving the   Melissa attended college   yond being available to her   sidered an expert on every-
        car. You rely on your opinion   and earned a BA, and went to   clients. She also incorporated,   thing there is to know about
        and the ability to make a wise   work in the very competitive   from the very beginning of   San Diego when it comes
        decision. You can do some   field of sales. She sold yellow   her real estate career, that   to real estate. She knows
        investigating when you buy   pages advertising and was   professionalism would be her   neighborhoods, schools,
        a house, but it is not like you   very successful. Then Melissa   highest aspiration. Melissa   shopping, medical offices,
        can live in the house for a   went to work for a Check/  always thinks of her client’s   and just about anything you
        while so you can determine   Credit Card guarantee service   needs before her own. She   would want to know about a
        if it will be a good fit for you   and again excelled in her job.   always wears a business suit   potential living area. She has
        and your family.           However, Melissa wanted a   and makes a point to become   the technical ability to list all
           If you are lucky enough   more career-oriented ave-  involved with her clients, so   these things, along with a de-
        to be able to purchase a   nue to pursue and quickly   that she knows what they   tail description and picture of
        house in San Diego, you have   established that her present   want. Melissa also helps get   every property she represents
        someone that can make      employment was limited in   the right financing, assists   on the Internet.
        that purchase an enjoyable,   achieving that goal.    with every aspect of the sale,   I told you at the begin-
        knowledgeable and the best    Melissa decided that    and celebrates with her cli-  ning of this article I would
        experience of your life. I’m   real estate would be her   ents when a deal closes. You   list Melissa's achievements
        talking about Melissa Gold-  next challenge. She studied   would think that would be   and awards, but truthfully
        stein Tucci, San Diego’s Top   and paid close attention to   enough, but not for Melissa.  the article isn’t long enough
        Realtor/Broker and the official   how her peers conducted   Most of the time when a   to list all of them. But I would
        realtor of the San Diego   themselves. It did not take   property closes and the final   like to say Melissa was ranked
        Padres. I will eventually get   Melissa very long to devise a   papers are presented and   #1 Coldwell Banker agent in
        around to listing all Melissa’s   plan that would make her a   signed, that is the last you see   all of California in 2016, which
        awards and achievements,   top-rated realtor for Century   of your realtor. Melissa stays   she now represents.  May I
        but before I do that, I would   21. Her method was simple,   in contact with her clients   suggest you visit Melissa’s
        like to talk about Melissa, the   at least to her, she would   and is a lifelong resource   website www.MelissaTucci.
        woman, the wife, the mother.  answer every phone call,   for them. Her referrals are   com where you can see pic-
           Melissa was born in     every text, every email, that   through the roof, but Melissa   tures, awards, and over 600
        Chicago, Illinois, and grew   came her way within minutes   makes sure that every single   testimonials from Melissa’s
        up in a household that had   of receiving them. She would   client receives the very best   clients, most of them calling
        3 All American kids. Melissa’s   answer any and all concerns   of what she can achieve.   her ‘friend.’
        mother was a teacher and   her clients had. Melissa      You wonder how she finds    Melissa can also be
        studied until she received a   became a friend, a confidant,   time for anything else, but   reached by phone at (619)
        Master's Degree. Her father   an advisor to her clients. She   she found time to marry and   787-6852

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