Page 55 - Sarita Maybin
P. 55

Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

        location, and for some reason, they lost  plan, I asked Melinda, “What is the   what suggestion would you give to
        your reservation, or they overbooked,   process for booking a trip with Win-  someone who wants to become a
        and you are left in a strange country at   nerDestination?"  Her response was   travel agent. “I would suggest that
        night with no hotel room.  Have you   simple, "Go to my site, if they want to   they first obtain formal education in
        ever tried reaching an online travel   look around a bit at the highlighted   the field, but that alone isn’t enough.
        company after work hours? If one of   trips or just call my number or email   They would then have to take a good
        my customers has a problem, they have  me.  The first thing I will do is a short   amount of time researching the many
        my number, they call me, and I handle   interview of sorts to ascertain where   travel companies and tour companies
        the crisis.  They are not left on their   they want to go and what they like   to find out which ones are reputable
        own in a foreign location with no idea   to do when traveling.  We will also   and of which to steer clear. Do a lot
        what to do."                        discuss what their time frame and    of reading and be sure the companies
           Originally from Ohio, Melin-     budgetary considerations are. I then   you plan to recommend to your clients
        da and her husband moved here 32    ask what is most important to them.    have been in business for a long time,
        years ago when her husband’s job    For some people they want a great ho-  and have a positive track record.
        brought him to Sunny San Diego, so   tel room, for others, they don't plan on   Melinda handles all types of travel
        she is practically a native after all this   spending much time in the room, so   but specializes in cruises, Europe, and
        time. Melinda's previous jobs incor-  their main requirement is the location   wine trips.
        porated skills that naturally led her   of the hotel which they want within   With Melinda’s corporate experi-
        to her current vocation.  She worked   walking distance of the city center or   ence she has also helped companies
        in production control, and logistics,   top sightseeing spots in the location   institute travel incentive programs for
        which called for acute planning skills   they are visiting. Some may want a   their employees.  What better way to
        and her position in sales and market-
        ing was helpful in running a successful
        online business.  A previous meeting
        and events planning company posi-
        tion was also a natural lead into travel
        planning, so when she was downsized
        from this firm the desire to branch out
        on her own led her to open Winner
        Destination. Melinda did not just start
        a site and call herself a travel agent she
        went back to school to obtain training
        and certification and spent all of her
        time immersed in the world of trav-
        el.  When she felt competent and had
        earned her licenses, this is when she
        started her business.
           With all that is going on in the
        world today I had to ask if Melinda has
        noticed a decline in international travel
        for fear of terrorism. "No, we haven't
        seen a decline in bookings.  I am a firm
        believer that if you are aware of your   heavily guided vacation, with lots of   motivate your staff than with a fabu-
        surroundings at all times, you will be   tours so I will book that for them.   lous vacation bonus.
        fine.  Terrorism is a horrific problem,   Others just want to travel to a special
        but it has happened in the states as   spot and spend the week exploring   Visit
        often as in European locations, so you   it on their own.  Once I know these   and let Melinda make your dream
        just have to always be on your toes   factors, I can plan their ideal vacation   trip a reality.
        while traveling."                   for them."                           Phone Number:760 975 3973   email:
           So getting back to that dream        I asked Melinda, as I do with most
        vacation that you are finally going to   of my interviews in various fields,

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