Page 57 - Sarita Maybin
P. 57

Miramonte Indian Wells Resort & Spa


                                        By Debbie Storms

                             Photos Courtesy of Miramonte Indian Wells Resort & Spa

           IME IS A PRECIOUS   property is draped in   table ingredients from   treviso, lemon aioli and
        Tcommodity in our      gorgeous bougainvil-    local Coachella farms   salsa verde. The dinner
        busy lives making it   lea. Intimate spots for   and the chef's originality   menu is stupendous with
        more important to      relaxation can be found   made it a memorable   Provencal seafood stew,
        grab the moments to    throughout the grounds.   experience. Chef Paul   seared diver scallops,
        rejuvenate and breathe   There are several fire   is passionate about his   Mangalista pork chops
        new life into ourselves.   pits with comfortable   creations. Breakfast   (you must inquire about
        Achieving this goal was a   seating creating the per-  offers house made   the origin of the pork)
        lot easier than I imag-  fect setting for an early   chicken sausage, organic   and the list goes on. I
        ined.                  evening place to enjoy a   eggs, fruit from around   was personally inspired
           My two-day visit    hand-crafted cocktail or
        to Miramonte Resort    just taking a break. On
        and Spa in Indian Wells,   an evening stroll around
        California was a uniquely   the property, we discov-
        pleasing experience and   ered a bocce ball court
        worth every moment     and were compelled
        of my time.  There's no   to play a few games.
        denying it: our senses are  The grounds offer small
        the direct line into our   groves where several
        awareness of the world   groups were enjoying
        and ourselves. They are   private dinners. Quite
        a powerful force and my   an enticing concept and
        enjoyable experience at   the savory smell of the
        Miramonte accumulated   dinner being served
        into delight.          lured us to the lounge
           I arrived midday and   for some small bites.
        was warmly and profes-    The dining expe-
        sionally greeted by the   rience was an epicu-
        front desk staff of this   rean delight. First, the
        boutique hotel, part of   environment in both the
        The Curio Collection by   lounge and dining room
        Hilton. The multi-mil-  offers a variety of relaxed
        lion-dollar renovation   seating. The artistic
        of the resort is apparent   flair did not stop there.
        with eclectic designer   Citrus & Palm Restau-  town and one of my    to take my cooking skills
        appointments in the    rant's menu is filled with   favorites-lemon ricotta   up a notch or two. A de-
        open, elegantly casual   culinary creations by   pancakes- to name a few.   lightful option is to dine
        and inviting lobby.    Executive Chef Paul Han-  The lunch menu offers   outdoors on the patio
           The resort is located   cock that will pleasingly   a grass-fed-beef burger,   with a border of foliage
        on an 11-acre oasis with   satisfy your cravings or   seared tuna salad, assort-  and bistro lights above,
        views of the Santa Rosa   hunger. The menu was   ed almond and cashew   creating a relaxing and
        Mountains. Walkways    alluring. Each item I   cheeses, king salmon   charming ambiance.
        meander through olive   chose was an indulgence   with cauliflower rice and   Yes, there is a 24-hour
        and citrus tree groves   and easily worked my   butternut basmati rice.   fitness center if you feel
        in addition to rose and   way through the menu   Need I say more? I was   the urge to burn off a few
        herb gardens. The entire   because of the tempting   totally taken away by the   of those calories. Found
        Mediterranean style    variations. The farm-to-  octopus carpaccio with   in a lovely setting are

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