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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

                                                      Melinda Jarrell

                                            MAKING DREAMS COME TRUE

                                                                  By Judith A. Habert

                                                                 Photos Courtesy of Melinda Jarrell

                                            California.  Melinda has been in this   same destination of which you are
                                            business for the past six years and has   inquiring. In the case of Melinda, there
                                            hundreds of satisfied customers who   are few locations she has not been too
                                            can attest to the importance of booking  “I have had the pleasure of personally
                                            your trip through a travel agent and   visiting 66 countries, so when I book
                                            not on your own through a bunch of   a trip for a customer it is often some-
                                            unknown websites on the Internet.    place that I have visited.  This allows
                                            What Melinda offers is the value of the   me to talk from personal experience
                                            Internet rates with the knowledge and   as to the best location to stay, the best
          T IS FINALLY HAPPENING! YOU       expertise of a professional travel agent   hotels and the best tours to take part in
        Iand your husband have decided to   to navigate your way through this    when visiting the particular country."
        go on that dream vacation to Europe   unprotected territory of discount this,   If Melinda hasn't been to the spot you
        that you have been talking about for   and cheap that, which you are bom-  want to visit, chances are someone she
        years. A three-week long adventure   barded with the minute you search the   has booked a trip for over the past six
        to Italy, France, and Greece. Your first   word vacation.                years has, and she always follows up
        thought is I should go online and see   My first question for Melinda is   with clients upon their return to find
        what great deal I can get on all of those   probably the same one many of you   out about their trip. "I always contact
        trendy travel sites that promise ease,   have had regarding taking this route   customers when they return to find out
        convenience, and savings. Five hours   when booking your dream vacation,   how the trip was, to be sure that the
        later you cannot figure how to get a   honeymoon or just a weekend getaway.   locations and hotels were up to their
        connecting flight that won't require   “Is it more expensive to use a travel   standards and to just find out how their
        a 9-hour layover when you finally fix   agent than to book the trip myself?”   overall experience was.  It is just part
        that problem you find out that the ho-  The answer is a resounding “No.”  Trav-  of the service I provide. It also lets me
        tel you just booked in Greece only has   el agents are compensated by the travel   know which hotels, tours, restaurants,
        one bathroom for every four rooms.   companies with whom you book and    etc. to suggests to future clients when
        So, what happened to the ease, conve-  not by the consumer. In many cases   they decide to book trips to these same
        nience, and savings?                not only does it not cost you money,   locations.”  When was the last time you
           The cold hard facts are that when   it can actually save you money since   received a call from one of those inter-
        you rely on the internet alone to book   they are up to date on which hotels,   net sites to chat about your trip?  So, as
        your own trip, you are taking a chance   cruise ships, airlines or tour compa-  you can see booking with a travel agent
        that the companies behind the beauti-  nies are offering discounted or special   does provide an added personal touch
        ful websites might not truly exist.  That   promotions like a free night stay or   to your trip.
        the rooms you book, may look nothing  $100 voucher for free food or room    While chatting with Melinda about
        like the ones you view on the site, and   upgrades.                      her business and the pride she takes
        that your hard earned money may not     When it comes to the actual logis-  in making sure that every customer is
        be going anywhere but into some un-  tics of booking your trip, consider this   happy with the trip she plans, I shared
        scrupulous person’s bank account.   very important fact, with a professional  with her a negative personal experi-
            I had the pleasure of speaking with  travel agent you as the customer are   ence I had with a vacation and how
        Melinda Jarrell, Owner of www.Win-  getting a free service guided by the   stranded I felt because I had booked it an all-inclusive   expertise of someone who is a pro-  online. "Yes, this is also a major consid-
        travel website based out of San Marcos   fessional and often has traveled to the   eration.  What do you do if you get to a

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