Page 49 - Sarita Maybin
P. 49

Fabulous Finds


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        past with Spony! Visit https://spony.  9.  HASHTAGIT!                    hands are one of the most used and
        com/ to order yours now.               Are you planning a party and search-  abused parts of the body, and it is often
                                            ing for something to do which will keep   thought that your hands give away your
        8.  Hello Penny Bar                 the evening moving and everyone      true age.
           Are you looking for a unique ad-  laughing?  Well, Endless Games has the   Dr. Janet H. Prystowsky, regarded
        dition to your wedding or any special   solution, HASHTAGIT!             as one of Manhattan’s Top Dermatolo-
        occasion?  Just say Hello Penny Bar.    This is a fun party game for the over   gists and a Super Doctor, spent years
        The Penny Bar is a 1946 vintage trailer   18 crowd.  Next time your group gets   with seasoned cosmetic formulators to
        that was professionally restored and   together, and you are tired of doing the   develop a moisturizer that truly com-
        converted into a mobile bar, servicing   same old things, grab HASHTAGIT and   plemented her patients’ skin. After years
        all of Southern California.  The bar has   make the evening a ton of laughs.  The   of success in her dermatology practice,
        an amazing chic feel that can add a   game is easy to play.  It starts off with   she’s finally brought her product to the
        special glow to your next special event   a picture card, of sometimes unmen-  general public.  She has several products
        or cocktail party.  It will make a state-  tionable topics, being selected by the   that help with the anti-aging process
        ment about which your guests won’t be   judge. Each player has seven hashtag   but has just recently added a product
        able to stop talking. The bar is available   cards to choose from to associate with   intended for the hands and nails.
        for rental alone so you can have your   the picture shown.  The judge is handed   What makes Dr. Prystowsky’s devel-
        own bartenders staff it or fully staffed   all of the hashtag cards that have been   opment so unique is that she is using
        with two professionals from the staff of   selected by the players in a random or-  bioidentical vitamins A, D, and E which
        Penny Bar.                          der, and one of the hashtags is selected   are naturally found in your body, which
           They also offer additional items like   as the most fitting one to accompany   means less irritation and more long-
        lawn games, wicker furniture, interior   the photo. The play continues until one   term benefits for you. Many anti-aging
        decorations, and special glassware. The   lucky player ends up with 7 picture   products try to artificially plump skin
        Penny Bar may be an antique, but you   cards and he/she is the winner.  Go to    and can irritate if used too often. Their
        would never know it.  It is well furnished and order   special formula is naturally compatible
        with two large serving sinks that hold   HASHTAGIT!                      with your skin’s biome for long-term im-
        100+ drinks with ice, three large coolers                                provement. Their formula works beyond
        to keep ice cold all day and night, two   10.  Livad® Skin Care Strong & Silky   fine lines and wrinkles as well. In addi-
        three gallon glass water jugs with pour   Cuticle Cream                  tion to improving skin smoothness, over
        spouts and even a USB charging station   Women obsess about looking and   60% of women in their eight-week study
        for multiple phones.                feeling young.  Our skin is one of the   said they believed their skin’s elasticity,
           So when you are planning your next   most obvious indicators of age, so most   brightness, and firmness also improved!
        event don’t forget to invite Penny.  She   women are obsessed with their skincare   To look and feel younger order
        will be the hit of the party.  Visit  http://  routines.  What most women focus on   Livid Skin Care Strong & Silky Cuticle for more in-  is their face and neck, and give little con-  Cream at
        formation and to make a reservation.  sideration to their hands and nails. Your

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