Page 47 - Sarita Maybin
P. 47

Fabulous Finds

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        were as fresh as the ones I ate the first   ing that equivalent amounts of coffee   even remember what I had for dinner
        few days I had the shipment delivered.    would produce.  Their advertisement   last night.  So, I am going to keep it up,
        This alone was worth every penny, and   was right when they claimed four hours   and I suggest you give it a try.
        I might add, the prices were no higher   of focus on a GO CUBE.  Each one is the   Hailed as Silicon Valley’s preferred
        than your local grocery store.  Try this   equivalent of a half cup of coffee.  So I   nootropics, HVMN is widely regarded as
        service today.  Or give a delivery to a   am here to say if you are a coffee addict,   the #1 nootropics in the world. HVMN
        friend as a holiday gift. I guarantee you   or if you never touched a drop in your   consists of RISE, KADO-3, SPRINT, and
        will not be disappointed and neither will  life, give Go Cubes a try. It will give you   YAWN which focus on four key aspects
        they. To make this service even more   energy and focus with each bite.  of brain health and performance. HVMN
        enticing, they offer free shipping on   GO CUBES are vegan and gluten-free.  supplies you with all the nootropics you
        purchases over $30.                 They do not contain gelatin - they’re   need for one month.
           To order this great healthy service   made with pectin, which comes from   RISE is the definitive daily noot-
        go to https://www.eatsmartathome.   plants. No soy, no peanuts, no tree nuts,   ropic featured by the New York Times,
        com/                                no egg, no dairy, no fish or shellfish.  Wall Street Journal, and more. The
                                               GO CUBES come in three delicious   components in RISE have been shown
        3. GO CUBES Chewable Coffee         flavors Latte, Mocha, and Pure Drip. Go   to enhance memory, stamina, and
           When I first received a sample of GO  to to   resilience. Maintaining peak cognitive
        CUBES, I thought about which member   order your supply today.           performance is an active, consistent
        of our editorial product testing team I                                  investment, so take RISE consistently.
        would pass it on to, since I don’t drink   4. HVMN                         KADO-3 is a supercharged krill and
        coffee and therefore figured I would not   Nootropics for All            fish oil stack designed for the daily pro-
        be the appropriate person to review    I have to admit before receiving this  tection of the brain and body. KADO-3
        this product.  However, after sharing    product for testing I had never heard of   is optimized with a 2:1 ratio of DHA to
        GO CUBES with some team members,    the term ‘Nootropics.’  For those of you,   EPA, the two forms of Omega-3 fatty
        I had to admit I was curious since they   not familiar Nootropics are also called   acids. DHA is associated with cognition.
        all seemed to like the fact that they   smart drugs and cognitive enhancers.    KADO-3 rounds out with three synergis-
        could get that boost of caffeine without   These are drugs, supplements, or other   tic components: Vitamin K, Astaxanthin,
        having to run to the local coffee shop   substances that improve cognitive func-  and Vitamin D.
        for a cup of coffee.  So, I tried one, and   tion, particularly executive functions,   SPRINT is a nootropic blend
        it didn’t have that aftertaste of coffee   memory, creativity, or motivation, in   designed for an immediate cognitive
        that I disliked, it didn’t even have a super  healthy individuals.  Since I am recently   benefit. SPRINT is ideal to use to con-
        strong coffee flavor, and yes I had ener-  having problems remembering what   quer a big project, a long day at work,
        gy.  After researching the ingredients, I   I had for lunch, I decided to give it a   or any mentally demanding task. By
        learned that it wasn’t just caffeine, but   shot and see if I could regain some of   promoting alertness and relaxation at
        the combination of Caffeine, L-Theanine,   those flailing memories.  I must say I can  the same time, SPRINT puts you into
        Vitamin B-6, and Vitamin B-12 that give   already see some changes, at least I can   the ideal mental flow state for getting
        you the energy without the jittery feel-  tell you I had a salad for lunch and I can   work done.

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