Page 52 - Sarita Maybin
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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

        Don’t Let Your Dreams                                                          in half marathons. He invited

                                                                                       me to the Challenged Athletes
        PA SS  Y OU  BY                                                                Foundation charity fundraising
                                                                                       ride in October 2012.
                                                                                          While training, Coach
                                                                                       John, who had held the paced
                            By Sharon Hightower                                        bicycle land speed record from
                                                                                       1985-1995 at 152mph, noticed
                                                                                       that the spark and inner drive
                                Photos courtesy of Denise Mueller                      I’d had when I was a teenager
                                                                                       was still there. He told me that
                                                        always had a healthy lifestyle   no woman had ever gone after
                                                        and used to jog. In 1986 his   the paced bicycle land speed
                                                        father bought my Dad and I a   record that men have done
                                                        couple of mountain bicycles. In  since 1899.
                                                        early 1987 we entered a local     I immediately said I wanted
                                                        charity bike ride, and I was   to do it and we spent the next
                                                        hooked. I enjoyed being able to  four years putting the plan
                                                        push myself.                   in place for me to be the first
                                                            We did multiple charity    woman to set the paced bicycle
                                                        rides that year and met two    land speed record at 147mph
                                                        bicycle coaches that I began   on September 12, 2016, at the
                                                        working with, John Howard      Bonneville Salt Flats during the
                                                        and Doreen Smith-Williams.     World of Speed event.
                                                        I entered my first bicycle race    After setting the record, we
                                                        in September 1987 and won      planned to do a day of record
                                                        and got hooked on racing, too.  runs to up the speed record,
                                                        I raced for five years and won   but it had rained overnight.
                                                        13 national cycling titles and   Frustrated at not being able to
            150 mph – on a bicycle? Yep. Read           received two podiums at the    realize more, we said we would
             about the fascinating woman and            World Championships.           go back another year to go after
                                                                                       the overall record of 167 mph!
                                                            I hung the bike up af-
             her amazing accomplishments. In            ter high school and entered    Well, we planned for 2017 but
                                her own words:          the family business after my   had to move the attempt to

                                                        parents’ divorce. I met my first   2018.
                                                        husband there and took over       Then we discovered that
                                                        the leadership of the business   the Hoehn Range Rover vehicle
                                                        in the early 1990’s.           we used in 2016 would not be
                                                            We had three children      available, so we were back at
                            WAS BORN IN ARIZONA,        and worked in the business     square one in preparation.
                          I ut I have been a San Diego   for almost 20 years. Much like   Also, 2017 turned out to
                          girl since I was nine months   in bicycle racing, there were   be one heck of a year. Not only
                          old. I grew up in Encinitas and  ups and downs in business. In   did I break bones in February,
                          graduated from San Dieguito   2012 my husband and I di-      but I also met and married
                          High School. I learned dedica-  vorced and ironically that was   the man of my dreams, Chris
                          tion as I watched my parents   the year I also got back on the   Korenek, in 111 days, ran the
                          give so much to grow their    bicycle. I had reconnected with  Great Wall of China Marathon
                          business, Rancho Santa Fe Se-  my coach John Howard who      in May, and was shot in my
                          curity Systems. My father had   worked with one of my sons   right leg with a 9mm bullet in

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