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Fabulous Finds

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           YAWN is a nootropic blend of     can be left in overnight, and you will   cooking needs. The Triple Basket Deep
        components optimized for each of the   wake to a beautiful, effortless hairstyle   Fryer includes three baskets (one large
        three phases of sleep: falling asleep,   in the morning. Depending on what you   and two smaller) with an oil ready light
        improving quality of sleep, and feeling   desire SoCal Curls can give you beachy   that lets you know when the oil reaches
        refreshed upon waking up. Sufficient,   waves, or even springing spirals.  It’s up   the correct frying temperature. Not only
        high-quality sleep is widely agreed to be  to you.  You can get lots of looks with the   that, but it offers easy cleaning with its
        the single most important activity you   SoCal Curls Hair Curling Tie! Simply wrap   stainless steel, removable bowl. If you
        can do to optimize cognition and your   larger sections of hair for the beachy   like fried food, this is an item you cannot
        mental state in the near-term.      waves and smaller sections for tighter   live without and a perfect gift for any
           To order HVMN go to https://     curls. Do you have long and thick hair?   chef on your Christmas list.  Available at                  No problem, you can use two hair ties to   Target.
                                            get your curl on!
        5. SoCal Curls                         NO TANGLES. NO HARSH HEAT. NO     7. Spony Convertible Ballcap
           The Safe Way to Beautiful Hair.  CHEMICALS!                             Are you looking for a fun gift or
           You love that beachy curl look, but  Order yours today at https://www.  stocking stuffer for that young lady in
        you just have not been able to achieve it              your life?  The Spony is an item that once
        with traditional methods.  It either looks                               they own one they will not know how
        too curly or too straight, so what is a girl   6. T-fal Triple Basket Deep Fryer  they ever lived without it.  If you have
        to do?  Try the latest craze SoCal Curls, the   The T-fal Triple Basket Deep Fryer was  ever had a bad hair day, you can truly
        innovative curling hair tie that combines   one of our favorite items to test in our   appreciate the value of this gift.  If you
        revolutionary low-heat technology with   kitchens at San Diego Woman Magazine.   want to be trendy or look like you are
        the classic friar tuck. Just zap, tie, tuck and   Let’s face it, who doesn’t like some fresh-  being trendy, but are really just having
        go for beautiful curls!             ly made French fries or fried chicken.  We  a bad hair day, why not try the Spony.
           This unique new product is the an-  had a few of our crew test out their fam-  This is the greatest invention since sliced
        swer to all your problems when it comes   ily recipes for the best-fried chicken, but   bread for those of us with long hair, who
        to the time and headaches involved   in this fryer, they all tasted great.  This   don’t always feel like spending hours
        with obtaining that perfect hairstyle   is a user-friendly, at-home deep frying   with a blow dryer or straightening iron.
        for your night out with the girls, or that   system with an immersed heating ele-  Just grab a hairband, pull your hair into
        special someone.  You just heat the tie   ment for professional results. The food   a ponytail, and stick it through the per-
        wrap for 30 seconds in the microwave,   tasted like it was cooked in a profession-  fectly positioned opening of this unique
        tie it around your head, tuck in your hair   al fryer at your favorite restaurant. The   new convertible Women’s Ballcap. When
        and voila you look stylish as you run last   T-fal Triple Basket Deep Fryer Features  I say convertible, I mean like the car, you
        minute errands before your date. Perhaps  adjustable temperature settings and  can wear it open to allow your ponytail
        you want a no heat or chemical solution   holds up to 4 Liters of oil, it is the perfect  to peek out whether you are wearing
        to the daily grind of having your hair look   appliance for all of your frying needs. A  a high ponytail, side ponytail or even a
        perfect for work every day.  SoCal Curls   perfect addition to meet your holiday  bun.  Make bad hair days a thing of the

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