Page 43 - Sarita Maybin
P. 43


             The Astros Win It All For Their Town

                                                   By Carol Heath

            OUSTON TEXAS           food; rowed boats to rescue   went to the big show. They   Series, people started sitting
        Hwas ravaged by a hur-     pets from rooftops; carried   played against the Chica-  up and taking notice. These
        ricane of mammoth propor-  children and seniors to safe-  go White Sox in the 2005   guys were for real, and when
        tions. Thousands of people   ty; they did whatever they   World Series but lost. This   they made it all the way to
        were left homeless, over 60   could to help their city begin   Astro team played for their   game 7, everyone just knew
        people lost their lives, and   to heal.               city, a city they loved and   that since the Dodgers were
        well over 185 billion dollars’   It was like they took it   they were not about to lose.   playing at home, and were
        worth of damage was caused   personally that Mother Na-  They had to play the mighty   used to this kind of pressure,
        by this Hurricane 4 named   ture chose their city to attack.  Dodgers, who had one of   they would win the final and
        Harvey, While the baseball   A love affair began between   their best seasons ever. It   deciding game.
        team from Houston, the     the Astros and the city of   went all the way to the final   By the second inning,
        Astros, were playing baseball   Houston. And when they   game 7, and it has already   the Astros were leading 5
        games in Florida.          won the final game that sent   been dubbed the best World   to nothing, zero, zilch! The
           Many players have       them to play in the World   Series ever played.        mighty Dodgers were down
        homes in Houston, and their   Series, the city rejoiced.   So many sports writers   by 5, and by the end of the
        families were left behind to   There was something to look   didn’t give them a chance;   game, they only managed to
        live through one of Mother   forward to, something that   the betting lines favored   score one lowly run against
        Nature’s worst hurricanes in   wasn’t negative or water-  the Dodgers; it seemed the   the upstart Houston Astros.
        history. The Astros returned   logged. Their Astros were   sports announcers favored   Those same Astros that
        to their families and imme-  going to play in the World   the Dodgers as well. But   helped their fellow Hous-
        diately rolled up their sleeves   Series, and they were proud.    when the Astros started   tonians begin to heal from
        to help the storm victims.     Although it wouldn't   hitting homeruns, 15 in     Harvey. Those same Astros
        They passed out water and   be the first time, the Astros   total, the most in any World   that helped donate 400

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