Page 42 - Sarita Maybin
P. 42


             Water With a Cause

                           Photos courtesy of Sababa Water                       they quietly slipped over a border
                                                                                 into a free country, Italy, where they
                                            In 2014 a company was                were helped as refugees. They were
                                         formed by Jonathan Stone                given visas and funds that made it
                                         and Dawn Elyzabeth, hosts of            possible to come to the good ole
                                         a Local Las Vegas radio show.           USA!
                                         No, not some glitzy high roller            I found it very interesting when
                                         company, but one that’s pur-            Dr. Ludington expressed to me that
                                         pose was to stop childhood              there was a difference in the treat-
                                         hunger.  When this duo learned          ment of men’s and women’s heart
                                         the staggering statistic that           issues, a fact, she realized that isn’t
                                         one out of six children in the          always addressed. For instance, the
                                         United States go to bed hun-            catheter size between a woman and a
                                         gry they felt it was their duty         man is significantly different during
                                         to do something to help.  Thus          an angiogram. Of course, she has
                                         the birth of Sababa Water.              male patients as well as female, but in
                                         With 13,118,000 children food           her heart of hearts, she is truly com-
                                         insecure across America how             mitted to women’s health issues.
                                         could a company that sells                 Now that she has her own prac-
                                         water make a difference?  Well          tice, she is so delighted that she had
                                         Stone and Elyzabeth came up             more time for her family. As she
                                         with an amazing concept.  They          expressed to me, she can watch her
                                         proved that water most defi-            12-year-old daughter, Abby, play
                                         nitely can save lives, one bottle       volleyball, attend the girls dance com-
                                         at a time. Sababa is a One into         petitions, and still make it home for
                                         One company which means                 dinner with the family.
                                         that for every Sababa product              It sounds like a full plate, but Dr.
                                         you buy Sababa will donate a            Ludington still takes time to speak
                                         meal to a food insecure child in        in the community to other doctors,
                                         your community.  In our home            sharing her expertise, especially when
                                         state of California alone there         it comes to the differences between
                                         are 2,099,120 children living           the hearts’ of the sexes.
                                         in Food-Insecure households.               Writing about Dr. Katherine
                                         Because of the generosity of            Ludington has been such a rush for
                                         Sababa water and the residents          me! To me, finding, a doctor with so
                                         of California’s desire to make          much knowledge, who truly considers
                                         a purchase that means some-             the patient’s feelings, and concerns,
                                         thing, to date 123,036 hungry           was super important! Besides, being
                                         children received free meals,           so thorough, she is also a great lis-
                                         and the number is growing dai-          tener. For example, I had many tests,
                                         ly. So go out and buy a Sababa          ranging from a Carotid Artery test to
                                         Water today and feed a hungry           an echocardiogram. All my concerns
                                         child.                                  were addressed by her and her great
                                         Food4Less stores throughout                I only hope this article can do her
                                         San Diego carry Sababa Water.           Justice! So I will finish by saying I am
                                         Go on their site                        truly awestruck by this remarkable
                                                    woman who happens to be an incred-
                                         to locate a store near you.
                                                                                 ible Doctor of the Heart!

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