Page 44 - Sarita Maybin
P. 44

million dollars to their city.   I can’t really finish this
        They put their money and   article without pointing out
        their bats where it did the   a young man named, George
        most good.                 Springer, the MVP of the       The Mason Jar
           There were stand out    series. Not only did he hit
        players, but no one wanted   homeruns in games 2,4,5,6
        to be singled out, they were   and 7, but he also held up his
        a team, Houston's team.    trophy and said, "This is for    Story & Photo by Janice Carter-Booth
        They wore a badge that said   Houston." In fact, each team
        Houston Strong on their    member that was inter-          T IS AN ANTIQUE SHOP IN RAMONA, AND THE NAME IS
        uniforms. Every time one of   viewed on the field said the
        the team would hit a home   same thing, "Houston this is   Ias unique as the owner Debbie Roelle.
        run or make a great play,   for you."                        This gem, a 15-year dream come true business, has
        or bat in a run, the whole     The Astros were honored    been up and running for over four years. I call it a gem,
        team would celebrate. They   by a special parade on the   because of all the antique shops I’ve been in, the Mason
        jumped up and down, yelled  main streets in Houston and   Jar is the most eclectic, with endless variety. For instance,
        out, and beat their chest and  in Disneyworld. However,   Debbie even has what she calls their “Man Cave” section,
        the badge that said Houston   one of the players, Carlos   where there are tools, scales, steins, bar accessories, and
        Strong.                    Correa, who proposed to his    horse tackle too. Christmas, all year long has a room of its
           This team was infec-    girlfriend on camera after     own. There is a Kitchen area with vintage copper kettles
        tious, even if you weren’t   the end of game 7, was more   galore, anything you wish for in metal, and porcelain,
        a baseball fan you couldn’t   excited about his girl saying   including the kitchen sink. Sewing, dollhouse miniatures,
        help but get caught up in   yes, than any parades.        toys for all ages, and even a Library area, where you might
        their childlike enthusiasm.    Why was this such a spe-   enjoy a good read. One can’t beat the vintage glassware
        When the final play of the   cial and memorable World     and china from many eras and brought from around the
        series, a ground ball that   Series? Because this was a   world. Now toward the back of the store, in an outside
        was scooped up, thrown     young and hungry bunch         area, Debbie has her garden section, where I’ve found
        to first and the runner was   of kids, that celebrated and   wonderfully rare items. Then last but not least there is
        called out, the celebration   appreciated the fact that they   a whole array of fabulous jewelry, vintage clothes, and
        began. They jumped on each  were alive. They wanted to    accessories. All this in one store, where the price is low and
        other, hugged each other,   bring back a World Series     the quality high!
        cried in each other’s arms,   Championship win to their      Before, opening her dream store, Debbie, raised her
        and grinned from ear to ear.   city that had suffered and   four children. During which time she grew an e-bay
        They ran from the bullpen,   endured so much. They        business and accumulated inventory at garage, estate
        they ran from the dugout,   accomplished their goal in a   sales, auctions, and road trips not unlike the ‘The Antique
        they ran from the outfield,   captivating and entertaining   Roadshow,’
        they all wanted to be togeth-  achievement they will always
        er to celebrate this win for   remember, and so will         She awaited her time to open this endearing shop in
        their city.                Houston.                       Ramona and hopes to keep it going, at a time when many
                                                                  businesses have closed. It seems the little business owner
                                                                  has a very big job, just keeping their doors open. So, come
                                                                  on out to the Mason Jar at 652 Main St. at the east end,
                                                                  where the finds are as abundant as the smiles!!

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