Page 33 - Sarita Maybin
P. 33

Incredible Kids of San Diego

                                                          Hi! My name is Nini Hodge, I'm

                                                           11 years old, and I live in Poway,

                                                            California. I have five siblings I

                                                             have three older sisters, an older

                                                             brother, and a younger brother.

                                                              I will be writing articles on other

                                                                in the community of San Diego. The
        to 15 hour days and   good to show young               children who are outstanding people
        her mom works nights   girls that having a
        for the Poway unified   dream requires hard             first in my series is my friend,
        school district and   work and dedication in
        runs an equine therapy   order to be successful.
        ranch on the weekends   Nini’s story teaches             Amanda White.
        for autistic kids and at   all the little girls out
        risk youth.           there that if they love
            Nini has a broth-  something and are de-
        er who is equally as   termined to achieve it,
        talented as she is his   dreams do come true.
        areas  of expertise are
        skateboarding, snow-
        boarding and surfing.
        He is 9 years old and
        is working on spon-
        sorships by some big
        name skate companies.
           Aside from her
        athletic accomplish-
        ments Nini has also
        written a book called
        Henry the Horse, the
        adventures of Nini and
        Henry ……………It’s

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