Page 23 - Sarita Maybin
P. 23

Straight Talk

         THE ACT OF A MADMAN                                             madman decided to     shift stretchers and
                                                                         hold up in a hotel room,
                                                                                               acting as triage units.
                                                                         32 floors above his vic-  Dozens and dozens of
                                                                         tims, and let a barrage   concert goers picking up
           T WAS THE ACT OF   relaying a story of how   ern music, anyone who   of bullets rain down on   victims in their cars and
        “Ipure evil.” I woke   she opened the doors   has been to Las Vegas,   his victims. No, there are   trucks and transporting
        up on October 2, 2017,   of her van and 6 people   to the Mandalay Hotel,   some that have to fur-  them to hospitals. These
        to President Trump    piled in; she quickly   who has stayed on the   ther the negativity that   are the stories we should
        saying those words on   followed the path to a   32nd floor of that hotel,   is already so obvious to   be pushing, not what
        the television that stays   local hospital. A woman   I’m sure feels even more   many. Can we just take a   the present government
        on most of the night in   broke down when she   affected. However, I can’t   minute and think about   should have done to
        my bedroom. It is now   talked about her best   think of any human,   all the loved ones deal-  prevent this tragedy.
        some 2 hours later and   friend’s daughter, 18, at   especially an American   ing with the news that   Using this terrible
        that television is still on   a hospital fighting for   human, that doesn’t feel   someone they loved is   incident politically or any
        broadcasting the latest   her life. The most gut   some affect from this   gone. Think about it,   other way is unconscio-
        carnage, 57 so far, from   wrenching for me was   horrible act.  they didn’t get to say,   nable, however I am
        that horrific scene in Las   a quick interview with   I’m now watching   I’m proud of you for the   going to do just that. I
        Vegas. Those broadcasts   a young kid, he must   and writing at the same   last time. I miss you and   hope that this tragedy
        are also telling of the   have been maybe 15   time. White House press   see you soon for the last   can bring us together
        brave and fast reaction   or 16. He was shirtless   secretary, Sara Sanders,   time. Thank you for the   as a nation to stop all
        of concert goers and first   and covered with blood.   is reading a statement   last time. I love you for   the negativity that is
        responders that were   He told the interviewer   with a very shaky voice.   the last time. (Personally,   constantly being hurled
        on the scene enjoying   that the blood was not   She is trying to hold   this is why I always say   at us by the media on
        the concert, working the   his, but people he was   it together, but has to   I love you as part of my   television, radio, on
        event, including dozens   trying to help or people   pause once to swallow.   good bye to anyone I   social media and people
        of ex-military, that   he was covering up that   Time for questions. It   love.)       in general. I am sad-
        jumped into action.   were dead. He wanted   took exactly 2 questions   Not everything is   dened to even consider
           It is unfathomable   to cover up the eyes of   for the press to make   negative news coming   this, that it would take
        to try and imagine what   the victims.      this unspeakable act a   from this tragedy. Stories   something this horrible,
        some 22,000 people       By now the count is   political issue. I person-  are being broadcasted   to make people sit up
        must have felt, thought,   58 dead and 515 injured;   ally loved her response   now of acts of heroism.   and take notice. We have
        or experienced once   they say the number   when she pretty much   Off duty police shielding   become so jaded with
        they realized that the   may increase. The gov-  answered with, and I am   perfect strangers with   negativity that I think
        pops and cracks they   ernor is now speaking   para phrasing, “this was   their bodies from the   people have forgotten
        heard was gunfire and   about the heroism of   a time for us to concen-  gunman’s bullets. A hus-  that we still live in the
        not fireworks, that most   all the first responders   trate on the tragedy and   band shielding his wife   greatest nation on this
        thought originally.   giving his condolences   pull together as Amer-  and giving up his life for   planet. That we still
        Interviews are coming   to the wives, husbands,   icans, and not make   hers. A woman huddling   have freedoms that
        on now; an off-duty   fathers, mothers, sisters,   this a political issue, not   in a corner protecting   most nations can’t even
        Los Angeles firefighter   brothers, aunts, uncles,   now”.       a child she didn’t even   imagine. That we live in
        talking about using   cousins, friends, and   The press isn’t alone   know. Ex-military jump-  a nation that protects us
        a table as a stretcher   anyone and everyone   in making this accusa-  ing into action guiding   on our shores from other
        carrying a body and   affected by this trage-  tion, politicians (I won’t   people to safety while   nations who would like
        realizing that body was   dy. At this point, I can’t   name) have held press   bullets are flying over   to see us succumb to
        dead. A local off-duty   imagine anyone not   conferences, tweeted   their heads, over their   their way of life. That we
        deputy sheriff speaking   affected by this act of   and instagramed the   shoulders. Dozens of   live in a country where
        of just trying to keep   ‘pure evil’ as President   same thing. The sign of   off-duty first responders   we can say and do pretty
        people calm and leading   Trump said. Anyone who   the times I fear. It isn’t   from other states carry-  much whatever we want.
        them to safety. A woman   loves country and west-  bad enough that some   ing bodies with make   This often times goes
                                                                                               unnoticed by so many. I
                                                                                               lived in a country where
                                                                                               if you even implied in a
                                                                                               negative way anything
                                                                                               about the leaders you
                                                                                               could be arrested and
                                                                                               never be seen again.
                                                                                                  I’m 77 years old and I
                                                                                               can remember when the
                                                                                               news was the news and
                                                                                               not the political agenda
                                                                                               of the broadcaster. I can

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