Page 24 - Sarita Maybin
P. 24

Straight Talk

        remember when we                                                                       of help. Even if it takes a
        were considered by      THEIR AUNTS LOVED THEM,                                        few before you find the
        almost everyone on                                                                     right one and most im-
        the planet to be the    AS MUCH AS THEY HATED THEM                                     portant it has taught her-
        nation most want-                                                                      self to forgive her sister,
        ed to emulate. I can                        by Maggie Ramos                            Daisy and accept that not
        remember when you                                                                      everything was her sister's
        could actually have a   AR, FAR AWAY LILY     As a child her older   father's sisters, so being   fault. Her sister at the time
        conversation with a   Fcan narrowly hear the   sister Daisy, had been   their favorite niece, in a   was also just a kid being
        neighbor, a friend, a   echo of a voice asking her   learning sexual practices   way that made Lily feel   taken advantage of.
        family member about   to come back.         from family members.   good.                  As for Lily, she can
        politics that didn’t    Lily recalls, how she   At least a couple of her   During the training at   share that internally she
        end the relationship. I   had left the conference   father's relatives, had   the seminar, Lily's brain   also learned to forgive
        can remember when     room in which they were   sexually grasped away   recalled everything it had   herself for something that
        we all respected the   practicing to become   her innocence when she   chosen to block out for   had never been her fault.
        police. I can remember   facilitators and co-facilita-  was between five or six   many years. From that day   She was able to let go of
        when award shows      tors in order to offer sup-  years old. Lily, being a year   on she understood, why   the guilt and shame she
        were about awards and   port groups for children   younger than her sister;   her and Daisy; her older   lived with for at least the
        not a venue for some   in need. Lily remembers   she was often left alone   sister had never been   first thirty years of her life.
        over paid celebrity   how she ran out towards   with Daisy, her older sister.   able to get along. It was   Everyday is a stepping
        to make his or her    the back door not know-  While Daisy kept an eye   something her parents   stone that brings them
        political statement. I   ing where she was head-  on Lily; Lily, soon became   didn't understand either.   closer of accepting and
        can remember when a   ed. On the other side, she   her outlet each time she   Of course, they were not   learning how to heal and
        football player would   came across a steep set                  aware of the damage their   leave this experience
        never ever think of   of stairs in which she sat                 father's sisters had caused.  in the past, if it is not
        disrespecting the flag.   at the bottom of the last                 With time, Lily learned   brought back up to help
        I can remember so     couple of steps.                           that professional coun-  others.
        many things, but this   It seemed as if her                      seling was a route for her   If you are one of many
        article is limited in   body had become                          to seek help from. After   out there experiencing
        the number or words   numbed and had                             the awakening during her   abuse, I suggest you
        it contains. It’s easy   unconsciously begun                     early 20’s, Lily began tak-  speak up and seek help.
        to point fingers, but   to disconnect. Lily's                    ing therapy, and still does.  If you are afraid to share
        from my perspective, I   spirit had also began to                Now when she shares her   with your parents like Lily
        blame the media, both   wonder off without a                     story, she does not feel   was; find someone you
        broadcast and social.   clear direction. From a                  shameful anymore to say   can trust. Identify yourself
        I blame the entertain-  far distance she can hear                that therapy has been a   in some way with a friend,
        ment industry, which   the echo of a voice, “come                big part of her healing   professor or a mentor.
        include tv, movies,   back!, come back! You   had the chance and at   process. Lily has been able   Someone you can trust.
        sporting events, for   need to come back from   any corner of the house in   to overcome part of the   Lily understands it is hard
        always promoting      wherever you are! There   which Daisy would have   damage that hate and   to trust anybody after
        the negative and not   is a big exit sign in front   the opportunity to. Daisy   love have caused her.  being taken advantage
        enough positive. I    of you”. The professional   began to sexualy practice   Lily realizes that she   of. But once you find that
        believe it just fuels the   counselor in charge of   with her sister Lily like a   can not say if the flash-  person everything in your
        unhappiness of others   the seminar insisted as   ragged doll everything   backs will ever go away   life will begin to fall into
        that feel their wants or   she forced Lily's head up,   their aunts had been   or if the triggers will ever   place.
        needs are not being   supporting it from her   habitually doing to Daisy   stop, but she is certain   Now Lily is grateful
        met.                  chin and redirecting her   for a very long time.  that attending profession-  and appreciative of
           In concluding this   eye sight towards an exit   Growing up their   al therapy sessions have   those around her that
        article, I have to say   sign. The counselor, phys-  aunts always seemed to   assisted her to compre-  have helped her in many
        these are my opin-    ically shook up her body,   have Lily as their favorite   hend many things she   shapes and forms. Lily has
        ions and not that of   and with persistence she   niece and they appar-  hadn't before. Therapy has   become who she is, not
        San Diego Woman’s     successfully brought Lily   ently loved and liked her   helped to bring her much   only because of her past
        magazine. Please don’t   back to awareness.  more than they liked the   closer to her immediate   experiences but because
        let this event change   Little did Lily know   Daisy. Their aunts always   family members. Lily   of those special people
        the way we live, that   was that during the train-  claimed that the Daisy   has learned to live, love   who have been part of her
        is what ultimately the   ing she would re-experi-  had become mommy's   and respect them in a   journey and she respects,
        perpetrators of such   ence part of her childhood   girl and the Lily was   healthier manner. She   admires and looks up to.
        acts want. Remember,   that had been hidden in   daddy's right hand. Some-  became more open about    Lily expresses, that
        we still live in the land   the deepest archives.  thing that for odd reasons   different topics, especially   now she is an aunt, and
        of the free and the     For many years, her   made them proud. At   with her mother. Lily also   loves her dear nephews
        brave.                mind had chosen to    least that's what they had   learned that their is a fit-  to death, but not near as
                              forget an unbearable part   the youngest one believe   ted therapist out there for   much as she would ever
        24                    of her life.          as a kid. They were their   each one who is in need   hate them.
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