Page 21 - Sarita Maybin
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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

        so when a friend suggested   insurance solutions to San   me about Medicare Central,   is available in the market of
        Terri come work for Farmers   Diegans for nearly twenty   the new company within a   insurance plans whether you
        where she could diversify   years now.  This past January   company that they launched   are a business, an individual,
        and sell home, auto, and   Terri decided that something   this past January.      have a family, are Medicare
        health insurance, she figured   was lacking in the business   Terri explains, “At Medi-  eligible, or currently unin-
        it was worth a try.        and as a result, our seniors   care Central, we partner with   sured. Their goal is to help
           “I soon realized that al-  were finding themselves   Medical Groups, Employers,   their clients understand the
        though I hated selling home   in trouble when it came to   HR Administrators, and   options they have to improve
        and auto insurance, I loved   their health insurance needs.    Retirement Professionals to   their health and well-being.
        selling health insurance, so I   "What most people do is   provide educational semi-  Another refreshing fact
        decided I wanted to go out   when they get close to their   nars and enrollment services   about Terri Yurek insurance is
        on my own and do just that.    Medicare eligibility age is   that are designed to educate   that they have a multicultural
        I took, what I refer to as the   they go onto the internet and  and prepare individuals   staff who can help explain
        ‘Summer of Terri.' I started a   sign up.  They don’t under-  for the Medicare program.   these benefits to those who
        website, joined networking   stand the differences in the   Our portfolio of customized   do not speak English as their
        groups,  obtained additional   various plans.  There are just   lecture series delivers up to   primary language.  "We don't
        insurance licenses and by   so many different caveats   date, inclusive details that are   have all nationalities yet, but
        about 2006 I was ready to   when selecting the right   intended to meet the unique   we are working on it. Our
        start my own insurance busi-  Medicare health insurance   criteria of most eligibility situ-  primary concern, when hiring
        ness selling health insurance.”  that it becomes a perplexing   ations. Unlike many seminars   our employees, is that they
           As a small business, I did   situation, like a fork in the   that you will see offered - we   are honest and upfront with
        what most small business   road. They must keep in mind   do not steer, or attempt to   our clients, abide by rules of
        owners do, I had to learn a   whether or not they currently   steer, consumers toward   compliance and be proud of
        lot on my own, which meant   have health insurance, and if   a specific plan or a limited   it.  Our agents and employees
        I made a lot of bad mistakes,   so, what type of Medicare will  number of plans and we pro-  need to be able to talk about
        but I learned from them all,   best coordinate with what   vide non-biased information   the advantages and disadvan-
        and after about a year I could   they have.  They also need   about the Medicare Program."  tages of any policy in which
        make my own car payment.   to know which plan will let   After Terri explained to   you might have interest. I
        A few years after that I was   them keep their current doc-  me what Medicare Cen-  believe that if you are honest
        able to hire my first part-time   tors and cover the prescrip-  tral does, I couldn't help   with people they respect that,
        employee, then a full-time   tions that they are taking.  If   but wonder why anyone   and they will stay with you
        employee, then another full-  they are in need of physical   would attempt to tackle this   as their agent because they
        time employee, then another   therapy, infusion therapy or   confusing task on their own,   trust you. It’s not about lining
        one."  Terri then decided it   other specialized treatments   without the kind of help   your pocket it’s about karma.
        was time to shake things up a   they must be sure that the   that they provide. "Since we   Do the right thing, and the
        bit and take on more respon-  plan they select allows for   don't promote or benefit   money will follow."
        sibility. She felt such a close   visits at their preferred facility  from these seminars, those
        connection to her Medicare   at the most favorable mem-  who attend can feel secure   Terri Yurek Insurance
        clients that Terri decided to   ber cost sharing. They also   in the fact that we are simply   does the majority of their
        become a Medicare Field    need to be aware when they   an educational platform for   FREE Medicare seminars
        Marketing Organization.  This   should disenroll in a current   those about to make these   from September through
        would allow her to provide   plan to be eligible for their   important long-term Medi-  December, which is the
        training and plan information   new Medicare plan.”  My eyes   care decisions.”      Medicare annual election
        to agents with her company   were rolling back in my head   This is a service that Terri   period. If you are about
        who would sell Medicare    thinking of all the possible   Yurek insurance provides that   to become eligible for
        exclusively.  These would be   ways that someone new to   does not lead directly back   Medicare visit their site
        external agents who were   Medicare could get it wrong,   to a sale for her company but   at www.terriyurekinsur-
        independent producers.”    and end up with plenty of   is done as a service to the and click on
           Terri Yurek Insurance   out of pocket expenses. I   community.  Terri's company   their events tab to find
        has been providing health   was relieved when Terri told   also offers guidance on what   an upcoming seminar.

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