Page 17 - Sarita Maybin
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A 10th Anniversary Special Feature

        which guaranteed that her   tions fresh.  In a recent return   group and asked if they had   ly responded, “Of course I
        audience came away not only   appearance, some five years   remembered them.  They   could present a keynote on
        entertained but enlightened.  after she had spoken at a par-  giggled and said no, but they   that topic!” With the help of
           Since one of the great   ticular company function, the   had come up with their own   her tech-savvy sister and a
        fears that many of us strug-  organizer asked Sarita if she   list.  Pasta, Pino Grigio, and   survey of a trusted tech team,
        gle with is public speaking,   could repeat a concept she   Prozac.  Sarita laughed right   she not only pulled it off, but
        I had to ask what Sarita felt   had presented in her first key-  along with them secure that   this has become her most
        was the secret to speaking   note.  The concept was one of   because of this joke made in   requested topic, because she
        to large groups of people   Sarita’s favorite; it was entitled  this small group it was likely   has answered questions all
        without fear? “The secret   the 3 P’s for Staying Positive.    that they would remember   of us in the business world
        to speaking without fear is   She had learned about these   the concept.          need to know the answer to,
        speaking about something   from the writings of Martin   Communication takes on   “How to Maintain High-Touch
        you know” When it comes to   Seligman, the granddaddy   many different facets in to-  Relationships in High-Tech
        communication and improv-  of the positive psychology   day’s business world.  One of   Times.”  Sarita shares, “At the
        ing harmony in the workplace  movement. “The group could   Sarita’s more popular Keynote   time it was a speech that I
        this is certainly something                                                       didn’t know I needed and
        Sarita Maybin knows.                                                              now I don’t know how I lived
           Sarita explains, “Being                                                        without it since it involves all
        the oldest of four I did find                                                     of us.  How do we know when
        myself in the role of Bossy                                                       it is appropriate to send a
        Big Sister at home, so when I                                                     text and not make a call?  In
        got into the business world,                                                      a business world that incor-
        I had to find a way to be the                                                     porates Baby Boomers and
        boss, without appearing                                                           Millennials in the same office
        bossy.  This is not always such                                                   space, should we assume a
        an easy task.  What I learned                                                     call is more appropriate for
        was if I incorporated a small                                                     one age group when in fact it
        change in how I spoke to my                                                       may not be?  My keynote on
        co-workers I could actually                                                       this topic helps answer this
        get what I wanted, without                                                        question and much more.”
        them feeling as if I was conde-                                                      In fact, there is no ques-
        scending or being ‘bossy.’  I                                                     tion Sarita won’t answer to
        learned to rephrase what I                                                        please her audience, well
        said to them.  So instead of                                                      maybe details about her
        saying ‘you better, you need                                                      beautiful 25 year-old daugh-
        to, or you will, I learned to say                                                 ter or her recent marriage to
        ‘I need you to, I would appre-                                                    her dashing husband with
        ciate, I would prefer.’  These                                                    whom she just purchased a
        slight modifications made                                                         brand new home, but when
        a huge difference in being                                                        it comes to communication
        able to get what I wanted.”    only remember the first one   and Workshop Topics is one   and playing nice with others,
        Luckily Sarita’s insights into   which was ‘Not taking things   she created on the spot when   Sarita Maybin has the answer.
        getting what she wanted in   Personally’ the second and   the powers that be decided
        the workplace, have not only   third respectively were ‘Noth-  to switch the script on her at   For more information on
        helped her to be a better   ing is Permanent, so things   the last moment, before she   Sarita including her keynote
        communicator but through   will change,’ and ‘Look at the   was to deliver a keynote in   and workshop topics visit Sa-
        her keynotes and speaking   big Picture, not just what   Kingston, Jamaica.  The orga-  rita at her website at Sarita-
        engagements worldwide she   is going on at that distinct   nizers suddenly decided that  You can check
        has spread the word to thou-  moment.’”  The group was   what their employees really   on her availability and book
        sands who now use these bits   feverishly trying to remember   needed, was to learn how   her for your next corporate
        of knowledge to create peace   from her talk five years earlier   to communicate in a world   function. Text SARITATALK to
        and harmony in their work-  when she heard one group   riddled with constant chang-  22828 to join Sarita’s email
        space.                     laughing hysterically in the   es in technology.  As a savvy   list.
           Sarita’s approachable style   back corner.  Sarita knew that   businesswoman and polished
        and ability to adlib when   her 3 P’s weren’t that funny,   speaker, nothing frazzles
        needed keeps her presenta-  so she walked over to the   this woman who confident-
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