Page 16 - Jo Dee C Jacob Girl Scouts CEO
P. 16

By Ruth Szakaly
                                                                              All photos provided by Lisa K. Miller

 16   On the outside, Suite P of 12225 World Trade
      Drive looked like any other corporate office
      building.  The minute I walked inside the office
      of Photography by Lisa K, my world was trans-
      formed.  Lisa K. Miller, owner/artist, greeted me
      with a welcoming smile.  The portraits on the
      walls invited me to share intimately the lives of
      her family and friends:  Cherished moments that
      “tell the stories” in people’s lives.

      Lisa’s own life has come full circle. The moment
      her twin girls were born, she started capturing
      memories through pictures. Lisa’s father had
      died when she was thirteen years old leav-
      ing only seven photos of him. These pictures
      became treasures for the family. Lisa learned first-hand the value   portraits took over the house”, in 2011, she moved to her current
      of cherishing family memories with photography. She didn’t start   office. Lisa’s clients quickly become friends. She knows she’s
      out planning to be in this business. It just evolved. Initially she took   been successful when they see their pictures and get emotional.
      classes at Palomar College, just for fun. While she was there she   Lisa is honored to be part of their lives. She watches their family’s
      discovered that people were willing to pay for her images. She got   grow and experiences their special events. Her business focuses
      certified and accepted a part time job with J.T. MacMillan, a profes-  on portraits of pregnancy, newborn, family, high school senior and
      sional photographer. She was having fun. Lisa became involved in   executive portraits. She delivers a personal touch, giving people
      professional organizations such as Professional Photographers of   something they love and will treasure for generations.
      San Diego County and Women in Creative Photography. She was
      blessed  to meet Abby Chamberlain, another mother of twins. Abby   Despite Lisa’s passion, there have been challenges. Marketing
      was a masterful portrait artist who became an amazing mentor for   today - in a world of social media and digital technology requires
      Lisa. Today Lisa networks with other professionals. She is commit-  different strategies. Today she works her business plan and con-
      ted to giving to others and is developing a program that will “give   tinues to focus on getting new business. Keeping up with current
      back” to the community.                                marketing trends can be a full time job. In today’s world people
                                                             don’t print pictures. Lisa fears that we won’t capture treasured
      Lisa’s twin girls are now in college. She and Darius, her husband   memories in the lives of our families and friends. When Lisa cre-
      of over twenty five year, are experiencing the empty nest   ates a portrait, it is heirloom quality. She creates an experience in
      syndrome. She is doing what she loves, growing her     which the location, lighting, emotion, and memories come to life.
      business and having fun. Photography by Lisa K has always been
      a “family affair”. She started with a studio in her home “When the
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