Page 14 - Jo Dee C Jacob Girl Scouts CEO
P. 14

Bitchin’ & Moaning

                                                          By Judith A. Habert

                                   Is that Call for Me?

                                                                                                                                           Women in Business Directory
     The other day I got home from work just in time to catch my son   a new person emerges.  This high pitched, new extremely femi-
     and daughter in a winner take all battle of the siblings.  I am not   nine, perhaps even prepubescent voice comes out of her mouth.
     going to say it was the first time this has happened, matter of fact it   You spin your head around amazed at what you are hearing, then
     is more likely that I will walk in on one of their notorious fights than   you think about it for a moment and realize that yes, you too have
     not .  What is it about brothers and sisters that cause this constant    the “phone voice.”  Some refer to it as the “work voice,” but either
     bickering to occur?                                                                  way it is definitely not the voice
     I would say it is the                                                                that you use in the house
     male vs. female                                                                      with family.  Perhaps, women
     thing, but when my                                                                   believe that if they sound more
     older daughter lived                                                                 feminine and younger they
     at home the fighting                                                                 will be thought to be so by the
     ensued with my two                                                                   person on the other end of the
     girls as well.  The                                                                  phone.  The irony is that this
     difference was that                                                                  phone voice occurs even when
     within ten minutes                                                                   we are speaking on the phone
     they would be joking                                                                 with people who know us, see
     and hugging again.                                                                   us every day, and know exactly
     This isn’t the same                                                                  what we look like.
     with the other two;                                                                  The funny part is that once
     they do eventu-                                                                      the call ends, the voice goes
     ally start speaking                                                                  back to what it was before.  So
     civilly but it could                                                                 on this particular day when
     take days or weeks.                                                                  I walked in on the fight, the
     What amazes me                                                                       phone rang, the fight momen-
 14  even more is the                                                                     tarily paused and as soon as
     fact that if the phone                                                               the call was over, my daughter
     rings for either of                                                                  went from feminine, profes-
     them, the loud rau-                                                                  sional high pitched execu-
     cous sound of them                                                                   tive assistant, to New Jersey
     yelling insults at                                                                   House wife during one of their
     each other instantly                                                                 numerous family brawls.
     disappears and their                                                                 Is this something that is inbred
     voices sound like                                                                    or do we learn it?  My vote is
     nothing is wrong,                                                                    inbred, since the voice change
     especially if the                                                                    occurs when we are little girls
     caller on the other                                                                  who want Daddy to do some-
     end is a member of                                                                   thing for us or buy a special
     the opposite sex or                                                                  toy.  We do it to boyfriends
     a friend or colleague                                                                when we are trying to get them
     from work.                                                                           to see the movie we want or
     I do think my daugh-                                                                 take us to the restaurant we
     ters can accomplish                                                                  want or even go with us to a
     this better than my                                                                  family barbeque.   I sit here
     son.  There is a very                                                                trying to think why it is that we
     good reason for this                                                                 need this special voice? Maybe
     and that is that wom-                                                                it is a mask we wear so that we
     en have the “phone                                                                   can compete in a male oriented
     voice” in their genes.                                                               business world? Or maybe we
     Now, if you think                                                                    just want to show how multi-
     about it, we have                                                                    faceted we are; we can be a
     all heard it.  There                                                                 down to earth housewife or a
     you are sitting at the                                                               high level executive.  Why the
     dining table when                                                                    voice change should promote
     your daughter, sister,                                                               this I have yet to figure out.  I
     aunt, or mother                                                                      suppose it will be one of those
     gets a work related                                                                  mysteries that may never get
     phone call.  Suddenly, the woman you have been carrying on a   solved.  Unfortunately, I need to go break up another fight….darn
     conversation with for the last hour, whose voice is so deep nor-  kids - I wish the phone would ring.
     mally that she is often mistaken for a man, picks up the phone and
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