Page 10 - Jo Dee C Jacob Girl Scouts CEO
P. 10

Referred to as “Our Spencer,” by all of the women who work with   share it with those impor-
         him, his attorney Patricia Verdugo Loya filled us in on his latest   tant men in your life.”
         accomplishment. “Our Spencer has just been awarded a major   Pink Tequila is crystal-
         agreement with Slaur International from France. His company   clear all natural and
         has taken over, from another major importer here in the US, as   made from the Blue
         importer of choice for their extensive portfolio of spirits. This is   Weber Agave plant.
         a major accomplishment for him and all, due to his incredible   Spencer’s effort to create
         reputation and work ethic. Slaur is one of the largest exporters   the perfect Tequila was
         in Europe with top of the line or premium wine & spirits; one can   surely a huge success.
         only be proud of him.”                               You will agree once you
                                                              take a sip of the first
         Spencer is a hands-on business owner.  He will not carry an   Tequila that we can truly
         alcohol product in his line unless he personally likes it.  One of   call our own.
         their most popular Tequilas, an Almond Tequila, received rave   To find out more about
         reviews from his customers.  Spencer does not take his busi-  Pink contact Del Pacifico
         ness lightly. If he is not enamored by the product, it is rejected   Marketing Group, Inc. at
         and he will move on.  He will never put his name on anything   858 500 2495.
         that he does not 100% believe is the best product out there.
         Even when first starting out in the liquor business, he did not   Editor’s Note: Rarely do
         operate in a conventional manner.  Spencer and his partner did   I receive unsolicited acco-
         what, at the time, was unthinkable; they went from state to state,   lades about a subject when
         and restaurant to restaurant, introducing their line of products.    I interview them, but a few
         They did not rely on a sales staff, but were hands-on every step   days following our interview
         of the way.  This earned them a high level of respect.  The same   I received an email from
         is true today in his decision to produce a “Women’s Tequila.”   Brittney, one of the many
                                                               women that Spencer has
         Spencer notes, “The team at the distillery were quickly losing   helped over the years.  She
         patience with me.  Time after time they would bring me samples   had heard that we were
         and I would turn them down insisting it was not smooth enough.”    doing an article on him
         After four long years of diligent work to get the Tequila to reach   and felt she just needed to
         his exacting standards, Pink Tequila was born.        provide some insight. After
         One of the most interesting facts I learned about Spencer was   speaking with  Brittney
         that he is strongly opposed to the use of women in print advertis-  I learned that she was
         ing to sell liquor.  “As everyone knows, many companies believe   the person responsible
         that sex sells, so they place a scantily clad woman holding a   for bringing Spencer and
 10      bottle of liquor as a way to promote their product. I feel it does   Joan together, pretending
         just the opposite.  Besides objectifying women, most viewers   to be Spencer online and
                                                               carrying on an internet
         of these ads will remember the beautiful woman, and forget the   conversation with Joan for
         name of the product.” Spencer lives by this rule in all of the ad-  several months before she
         vertising he has done for himself and other companies over the   came clean. Today they are
         years that contracted his advertising and marketing services.  “In   happily married newlyweds.
         studies done, it was shown that sales grew considerably when   She shared the following
         instead of highlighting the sexy woman, you highlighted the   with me:
         product.”  Many major companies have taken his lead and toned   “Spencer has done so
         down the sexy ads for one that highlights what they are actually   much for women through
         selling.                                              a very private foundation.
         The women around him all seem to recognize this as a standout   for which he is the sitting
         characteristic.  Attorney Patricia Verdugo Loya had this to share   director:  He has helped
         with us.  “ I represent 'Our Spencer' in Mexico and he has   battered women and chil-
         become one of Mexico's favorite "Son's.' Like in Europe  &   dren, homeless children in
                                                               various orphanages, and
         Mexico, he has become special as an advocate for women’s   even provided assistance
         rights and always exhibits a strong business ethic. By this I   to schools both in the US
         mean not using women as  sex objects to promote a product or   and Mexico. Coming from
         brand. As a woman, I am proud of his manner of business.”   a very well known and
                                                               prominent family in Mexico,
         Aside from Spencer’s many business holdings; which include a   he is very low key about
         clothing line, a food line, liquor distilleries, an import and export   where he comes from. Yet
         company, and a marketing and advertising agency, he still man-  he will use his influence
         ages time to devote to a large number of worthy charities.  He is   to help others in need. In
         a man who has spent his life giving back to those less fortunate.   all the years I have known
         I witnessed his compassion and watched his eyes well up with   him, not once has he ever
                                                               turned his back on friends
         tears as he shared some of the atrocities he has witnessed over   in need. I guess you might
         the years, and the passion he felt to change the lives of those   say he is a man for all sea-
         who couldn’t do so without some help.  He is happy that he has   sons and many of us feel
         been able to help change some of these lives for the better.  he is just that. Yes, he was there for everyone including me; I come
         Thank you Spencer Wright for focusing your efforts on wom-  from a foster home and he too changed my life as he has done for
         en, and now even giving us a liquor we can call our own.                             many. Being there for so many truly makes him special. He has such
         Pink Tequila is made for women, but as Spencer adds, “It is a   respect for women, that most men should take notice.  He is such a
         product made for women, but if you feel like it, you can also   gentleman.”
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