Page 8 - Jo Dee C Jacob Girl Scouts CEO
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Letters to theEditor                                                                                                             Tequila, It’s Not Just

                                                                                                                                                            for Men Anymore

     Carol LeBeau’s article on her battle with Breast Cancer, could not   I never understood what a “Cloud” was and felt stupid when
     have come at a better time.  I was just diagnosed with breast   co-workers discussed it.  Thanks for the article which enlightened
     cancer and will be operated on this coming month.  It helped me to   me and brought me up to speed.                             Spencer Wright, "The Man Behind The Phenomenon"
     see that it is a disease that you can survive and get past.  Thanks   Joanne from San Marcos
     Carol for your bravery!
     Mary from Coronado                                      Bitchin & Moaning was so spot on.  It is amazing how many waiters
                                                             and waitresses utter the same annoying comments to us as we sit
     I Feel Guilty all the Time was such a well written article.  Why do   down to enjoy a quiet meal.  I appreciate their concern, but perhaps
     women always absorb so much guilt from every event around us?    they can get some new lines to memorize?
     It’s time for us to be proud and not guilty about all we do in a day.  Edna from Del Mar
     Linda from Escondido
                                                             I felt such a camaraderie with the article “A Career Quake”. I  lost
     Women Friendly Physicians, now that is a great concept.  I have   my administrative job after 22 years and I was so devastated.
     dealt with some serious medical issues in the past year and have   I learned a lot about myself in the process and I enjoyed
     been to see many different doctors.  I wish I had your list in hand   hearing how another woman handled this crisis.  Thanks San Diego
     then.  Many of the doctors, although very knowledgeable, did not   Woman, you always know what the women need to hear.
     take the time to explain the ramifications of the medical treatments   Lana from San Diego
     I was facing.  Though I hope I will not need it in the future.  Having
     a list available is great!  Thanks to all those special doctors.  I love the article Lust Lost and the writer who penned it.  It is too
     Angel from Pacific Beach                                true.  I want to read more from this writer.
                                                             Julianna from San Diego
                                                                                             One of my favorite sections
                                                                                             in your magazine is
                                                                                             Fabulous Finds and I love
                                                                                             learning about the unique
                                                                                             items and services
                                                                                             mentioned.  I bought a few
                                                                                             “designer duds” for my
 8                                                                                           poodle and next time I will
                                                                                             bring him by to play with
                                                                                             other dogs.
                                                                                             Anna from Poway
                                                                                             Women are amazing!  The
                                                                                             more I read about the
                                                                                             accomplishments that
                                                                                             women have made
                                                                                             throughout history the more
                                                                                             I want to scream out that
                                                                                             we are definitely not the
                                                                                             weaker sex. Reading the
                                                                                             story on Marguerite Higgins
                                                                                             reinforced my opinion.
                                                                                             Thanks for helping women
                                                                                             to see how much we have
                                                                                             accomplished and how
                                                                                             much more we can
                                                                                             accomplish in the future.
                                                                                             Debra from Temecula

                                                                                             Date Night in San Diego
                                                                                             was so refreshing.  My
                                                                                             boyfriend and I are always
                                                                                             sitting around trying to
                                                                                             come up with new things to
                                                                                             do on the weekends.  We
                                                                                             now have some new ideas.
                                                                                             Thanks so much.
                                                                                             Carmen from Rancho
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